[img]http://i.imgur.com/Kx2pemG.jpg [/img] [color=82ca9d][b]JACKAL VENTMAW[/b][/color] Location: Prison Cell Ever since I had been captured and placed into this cell, I had refused to eat anything at all. I was starving sure, but I didn't accept the morsels they offered. Giving my rations to my two cellmates. I had gotten somewhat acquainted with them. the smaller, more frail one had the nickname 'Stinks' though his real name is Cory, and the other, much larger prisoner goes by the name of tooth. I had become somewhat popular with my fellow prisoners due to a polite demeanor and what they say is an abnormal behavior. I rarely speak, instead I just sit there and await my execution in silence. Only speaking when spoken too. The guards were generous enough to let me keep wearing my armor, as it didn't hinder their containment of me and was allowed to what I suppose was from good behavior. My knightly appearance only increased the oddity of my peers. I had forgotten how long I had been in here, days or hours, hunger and anticipation does it works. I figured I'd probably die of starvation before I'd get my head around a noose. Only about a quarter of the prisoners here were on death row, the others were mere lowly pirates and thieves. I recall the first conversation I had with my roommates. Tooth had said "Why they lock you up here?" and I merely responded with "Once was I a pirate of the hellkites, then I was a pirates of the sunny massacres. I am responsible for the desolation of the Conami Archipelago." and the both of them went silent after that. Occassionally they'd ask more questions like my name, why I refuse to eat, and small talk. I kept my responses short and vague, I didn't want to get attached to anyone nor make myself popular, but due to my odd behavior that was inevitable, as many of the prisoners who's cells were near mine had already caught onto the legend that they have yet to decide to call on. I have heard myself being called on by other prisoners as 'Hellkite Jackal', 'Dragon Knight', and 'Lancelot.' but I have yet to see them decide on a single nickname as of yet, I had few stories of my pirating to tell, so many of them had already made up stories of my tales, be it of chivalrous robin-hood like heroism against the 'greedy' world government, or Savage and monstrous destruction of islands in the form of a great dragon, or even a 'slayer of celestial dragons', rumors and tales of my person being involved in grand fabricated stories became popular with the other prisoners and soon became one of their favorite pass times. Somehow I had gained the respect and appreciation of my peers with barely speaking. I could swear they treat me like a king or of some sorts, when in reality the only thing I deserve is the gallows. Though I will admit that the attention is a distraction to the regret and sin clouding my conscience. The guards will often shut up chants and excessive stories of topics about me, as their excitement were like children around a camp fire. A few guards seemed to blame me directly for such antics and would either give me a brief beating or jokingly insult me which, while I had no problem ignoring, would arouse the prisoners with anger. I began to learn more about not only my two cellmates but also other prisoners that had managed to speak with me directly, usually if their cells are near me. I recall a man who stole a marine vessel before having it crash and become stranded on an island immediately after, two pirates of a former crew that had been crushed by marines, a thief that had stolen an entire crate of beli apparently, a sharpshooter pirate hunter, and other such variety.