[center][h2]Lord Krunk's Quarters[/h2] [sub]Ka-THUNK![/sub][/center] Lord Krunk's helmet tanked the full brunt of Jenso's attack, but as the bottom rim of his armor violently smashed against the ground, missing both Zerraf and Drake, his fate was sealed. With a loud thunk, and a massive reverberation of metal, Lord Krunk's helmet was bent forward and torn from its metal seams that reached all the way around his neck. The flattened helmet flew right off and towards Jenso like a reverse-domino, revealing Lord Krunk's bald, mishapen head. It didn't hurt at all, but without his helmet, the world could see him for what he truly was... ...An obese geek in a suit of armor [color=gray]"ARRRGH! MY HELMET! NOT MY HELMET!"[/COLOR] He shouted in a panic. Lord Krunk struggled to stand up, pulling the rim of his armor off the ground and grabbing the make-shift ramparts with both of his hands. Jenso, assuming he wasn't crushed by the debris of Lord Krunk's magnificent helmet, might have noticed a pair of bandages on lord Krunk's noggin, crossed in the form of an 'X marks the spot' over his shiny skin. [color=gray]"NO NO NO NO!"[/color] Krunk pulled himself up and prepared to slap Jenso with his un-ringed hand as soon as he could spot him.