Hanz soon follows into the homeroom and gives Jake and Avary a rather icy look once more."Yes, I am certain zat everything is 'nice' to you kid. Shouldn't you be at ze oh I don't knov, proper building for ze other kids of your age?" He asks and shakes his head "Nevermind. Surely you are an unique snovflake und zat is vhy you are here. Just keep yourself from asking my help vith ze hausaufgaben." He moves his eyes to John."You can call me Hanz. Zat is good enough for me." He glances at Jake and shakes his head."You should pick your kameraden from somevhere else zan elementary school pickpockets, und you.." He turns to Sybil and sighs, shaking his head."You seem like a minority here. Zat minority being sensible people vith ze vill und ability to learn zings. Zat is why I'll rely on you vhen figuring out zis vhole 'Trial' zing." He walks over to a desk and sits down, dropping his luggage down."Verdammt würste.."