The majority had spoken, they had no choice now. Little did they know there hadn't been much in the way of options, in fact there were only two; either they all gained the power and took up the fight, or they all died when the Yeerks came. Blowing up the ship would significantly hamper the Yeerk effort by dealing a large amount of damage to the city and wrecking their recruitment pool, but if the humans joined then they became too valuable to sacrifice. Unlike himself. Images quickly shot from the Andalite's mind to the humans', showing a rapid fire rundown on the morphing ability, from getting samples to the actual morphing process, consequently including a wide variety of alien lifeforms. With the images came a basic understanding of the morphing power's capabilities. (Refer to the first post of the OOC for the morphing power's rules.) The alien beckoned them forth with one hand, and lifting up the cube with his other. He snatched the nearest human's hand and held it down onto the cube's glowing face. Then the next, he left them no room for protest, and kept a steady presence in their minds as he pushed words and knowledge about the cube- and how to morph- < more than two hours...,> < must concentrate to achieve the morph...> which didn't give them a chance to really speak. here he let go of the device after the last of them, a somewhat panicking Kaden, acquired the power, forcing the glowing cube into his hands. <-and you must fight for your world. You cannot let the Yeerks gain control of 7 billion hosts; the galaxy would never surv-> he paused, hearing something they couldn't. His eyes swiveled on their stalks to the device, His now free hands shot out to the panel he'd been using to support himself and began fiddling with the wires within it. He peered down at his work with his stalk-eyes, but his face-eyes remained glued to the others, a fierce gaze demanding his orders be followed to the letter.