As the two of them would later discover, the animal was neither a bird or a dragonfly, but a moth. In all honesty, the pair were probably just looking for an excuse to argue over something, knowing them, but that information is currently irrelevant. Anyway: Elle watched silently as Nil changed the combination again, once more placing the claw in the keyhole, but with the same results as before. She gave a frustrated sigh, stepping away from the door to get a better look at it, "Hold this," she said, handing him the golden claw as she did so." She planted her fists on her hips and stared hard at the door, like if she glared at it long enough, it would just open. Only, it didn't, so she gave an annoyed huff before walking over to one of the ornate walls again. [color=00B2EE]"I don't think we can," [/color]she said in response to Nil's suggestion, [color=00B2EE]"I've read that the doors are made from solid stone that's quite thick. There's no getting in unless we have the right combination," [/color]she explained as she examined the carvings etched into the stone surface. Still, there was no information or any indication of the animals that comprised of the combo above the door. There had to be some kind of clue somewhere! They just had to be smart enough to find it.