"Clever little rats." Sult smiled as she watched the events unfold before her. She couldn't help but to appreciate the crude attempt at ingenuity from the outlaws, springing a trap and an ambush. The fact that the captain was sucked in on it almost immediately put a dent in Sult's amused attitude though. Of course, with the captain in the center of a trap, and the bandits organizing a preemptive -albeit unsuccessful- attack on the Rosebud, and herself more concerned with a wounded civilian than directing her own troops, chaos had ensued, with people acting independently and yelling confuse orders to eachother. Although they didn't seem to be in any danger. Yet. Sult hastily abandoned her horse, while raising her shield, an ungraceful one, of a horrid green color that clashed with her attire. Well, fashion was a secondary concern in this case. Arrows to the gut were an important subject of concern, as she felt the thudding sound of the projectiles against her shield. "Sorry, sir Garret, I'd love to have you as dance partner, but someone else is calling it first!" Sult yelled in a clear voice enough, after doing a quick scan on the situation. The undead, well, good luck in getting her even touched with a hit. The commander was well covered, even if they were her detractors those around her. She would have loved to pitch in for glory and recognition, and could've been useful, but it was a moot point now. Someone else, the other magical asset besides Sparky, who was practicing pierce-a-rat besides the commander with the bow, had called for help. [i]Secondary ambush? What are these, tactical geniuses? Really, Sparky, really!?[/i] She added before putting an ugly visage and starting to sprint towards the object of a help call. Ice Jerk. His magic was useful, and he probably needed to be kept alive, no matter how insistent he was in parrying daggers with his belly. She dashed, clobbering one of the bandits that sprung at her with her shield, only to finish it off in a quick, but very forced movement of the sword, sinking in the poor fella's guts. [i]I need more training to make it fluid and graceful.[/i] She lamented. "You need rescue, Sir Tiral?" She said in a coy tune, her sword slashing at her opponents preemptively while she kept her guard up, eventually shielding the mage. "Afraid of the little rats, hm? Poison is not cheap, you know..." She smirked as she sided with the mage and knight.