Yeah, the host was apparently under attack, again, and this time, the Compendium took a hit. Since the host is a lousy deal when informing their members, it was down for long enough to the domain to be released (the domain provider informed me, but since the domain service changed hands in between, the spambot promptly decided this suspiciously threatening thing from some company I've never interacted with must be a scam, and ate the warning). Oh and this changing of hands apparently also compromised my domain account, so I had to sort *that* out, too. Among other things, I received a support ticket reply message that quoted back the entirety of the help page I had quoted a section from in my query... I'm back in my own country now, but not home for a few days yet. Will try to finally roll it back up when home. It's been busy and something's eaten a couple of weeks in between. [Sent Yoshua harvester article for now; feel free to ask me for any you might need.]