As the creature attacked Nil, Elle quickly circled around behind it, a horrified cry escaping her lips when the half-mer was stabbed. Now quite infuriated, she darted forward and delivered a heavy slash to its back, quickly getting out of the way as Nil blasted it with fire. But despite their efforts, it seemed relatively fine, albeit more charred then before. It turned on Elle, and suddenly spoke two words, directing them at her. The were loud and strange and… familiar? Suddenly, she felt as if someone had forcefully knocked her back, something unseen causing her to stagger backwards. While temporarily off balance, the draugr rushed toward her, weapon raised, but she dodged, barely, the blade catching the should of her armor as she whirled out away. Her advantage was that she was faster than it. Other than that, she had nothing. She thrust her blade at it again, but its armor got in the way, deflecting the blow. The undead turned and raised it sword, slashing it downward toward her with both hands. Elle raised her weapon just in time, the sharp end of the draugr's strange sword clashing against the steel. She pushed as hard as she could, but it had the advantage of strength, driving her backward until she felt something against her lower back. Chancing a look down, she realized she had been back against one of the tables. She did the first thing that came to mind, grabbing something from the stone surface, which just happened to be a little soul gem, and driving the pointy end into the draugr's eye. But, that didn't seem to do much but make it angrier, although now it had a pink rock sticking out of its skull since the thing was wedged in there pretty good. It stumbled back, chattering angrily at her, before the telekinetic sword flew from its hand, aimed straight for her heart. Suppressing a yelp, she was able to knock it away with her sword and jump away from the table. Should this be modern times, it would have looked like she was playing a very twisted game of American Baseball of an unconventional sort. But that did not deter the now floating sword. It righted itself in the air and attacked again, proceeding to fence with Elle despite lacking the person to hold it.