Elle hesitated when the blade dropped, turning to see that Nil had literally smashed the creature under a slab of rock and proceeded to fry it in an inferno that he had generated. She immediately snatched the enchanted sword from the ground and stumbled away from the searing heat as she did so, The flames were furious and hot, and she couldn't see a single thing through the fire. Her eyes were round with anxiety as she watched the blaze die down to leave behind smoke, ash, and a basically dying Nilovas. He was bleeding badly and looked like he was about to collapse. She dropped the swords, both blades clattering to the ground and echoing around the chamber as she rushed forward, putting one of his arms around her shoulders and pressing her free hand to his side to try and slow the bleeding. She was muttering something under her breath as she guided Nil to a chair and sat him down. [color=00B2EE]"Hold on, just hold on,"[/color] she said, remaining calm as she rummaged through her pack for a healing potion. It wouldn't do much, but maybe it would at least relieve some of the pain. She found one potion of healing, handing it to him before looking around for anything to use as a bandage. She had none with her, the Imperials had taken all those supplies, so she would have to make do with something here. All that was available were a few embalming wraps tied neatly in paper to protect them from the elements. She picked one up, expecting it to crumble at her touch, but surprisingly, it didn't. They would have to do for now. She rushed back over after grabbing a few of the makeshift wraps, setting to the side for a moment as she carefully, but quickly, undid the straps of his breastplate and gingerly slipped it off so that it wouldn't get in her way. [color=00B2EE]"It's not that bad,"[/color] she said, but her tone was rather hollow. She had said it more to comfort herself than him. She picked up one of the old cloths and pressed it to the wound in an attempt to halt the bleeding, but the rag was soon becoming drenched in blood. She looked up at him, expression calm, but blue eyes filled with worry. [color=00B2EE]"You're going to have to lay on your side so you don't bleed out," [/color]she said, [color=00B2EE]"My restoration magic isn't strong enough to stop it." [/color]If she could at least get him out of mortal danger, she would be able to heal him enough to where they could get out of here and get him real medical attention. Oh why hadn't she paid more attention when her mother was trying to teach her healing magic?