Elle shot him a venomous glare when he tried to shoo her off, otherwise ignoring the gesture. [color=00B2EE]"Nil, you just had a freaking sword driven hilt deep into your midsection, you're not fine,"[/color] she stated bluntly, [color=00B2EE]"just stay still, I know what I'm doing if you'll just let me."[/color] She hadn't really thought about it when she called him by the nickname she had given him in her mind, it had just kind of slipped out. She didn't care how hurt his vanity was, she wasn't going to just let him bleed out all over the place. At this point, she wasn't sure what had suffered more because of all this: his pride or him. Either way, he wasn't going to die, not on her watch. She figured he would hate being killed by a draugr more than being saved by a human. She tossed away the now useless wrap and quickly replaced it with a new one. Hopefully there were more of these things lying around. I mean, it is a giant tomb, there should be a ton of them. She would look around in a bit when she went searching for potions. Both of her hands were now covered in his blood from applying steady pressure to the wound, but she didn't really care. What mattered right now was making sure he didn't die of blood loss. [color=00B2EE]"We've got to at least slow this bleeding first,"[/color] she replied in response to his suggestion, [color=00B2EE]"Otherwise they won't do a damn thing." [/color]She grabbed yet another piece of the ancient cloth to join the one she already had, "Hold these on there and I'll take a look around," she said, making sure he had them before letting go and rushing over to the chest, leaving bloody handprints on its lid as she opened it and dug through its contents. There were definitely some useful things in here, and she made a mental note to grab them later, but she was more focused on finding a potion. Her search yielded one potion of major healing, much better than what she had before, and she quickly brought it back to him. She placed the potion in his hands and took over applying pressure to the stab once more, lifting the cloth away from the wound slightly to see if it was still gushing blood. Thankfully, the bleeding wasn't nearly as profuse as it had been before, which was a very good sign. Between that potion and her magic, he had a good chance of walking out of here still breathing.