Elle raised her eyebrow and gave him a strange look. The way she had interpreted his suggestion was probably not even close to what he meant, but she didn't know that. To her, he was implying that she was attracted to him, and her fuzzy mind was too sluggish to realize that was not what he was trying to say. She scoffed with an offended frown and crossed her arms, [color=00B2EE]"Excuse me, but this,"[/color] she used her free hand to lazily gesture toward him, [color=00B2EE]"Is not '[i]influencing[/i]' me at all and I have no idea what would make you suggest that,"[/color] she retorted, looking down her nose at him with disapproval, [color=00B2EE]"But, if you insist."[/color] She set the jar down on the ground loudly before turning around as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and marched away to go through that chest again. [color=00B2EE][i]Of all the nerve![/i][/color] she thought to herself, nearly tripping as she sat down in front of the ancient chest and pried it open once more. Maybe all that blood loss had gone to his head or something. [color=00B2EE][i]Influencing me, yeah right.[/i] [/color]She dug through the chest and pulled out the useful things, a little puzzled when she picked up an odd looking rock thing. It had runes, like the shrine, but they were much smaller and these didn't glow, thankfully.