Aaaalright, I hope this is a good villain. Haven't really written a villain before. [hider=Twister - Villain] [center][img][/img][/center] [b][color=lightgreen][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Twister[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][GENDER][/color][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]24[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][APPEARANCE][/color][/b] [indent]Twister stands at 5’11’’. He used to have really long hair, but cut it short for supervillainy. His standard clothes consist of a leather jacket, black jeans, boots, a pair of gloves, tinted aviator goggles, and a green bandana and scarf. His accessories are mainly if he needs to hide his face in a flash, but otherwise he’ll just wear a ski mask to completely conceal his face.[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][PERSONALITY][/color][/b] [indent]Twister presents himself as a cold, distant, and careful man whose primary goal is getting the job done. He doesn’t even bother trying to act nice or friendly unless it’s literally part of his job, he just wants to get it over with. He’s not a villain for fun and makes it abundantly clear to anyone that tries getting closer to him. He keeps people at arms length specifically so nobody knows anything about him. He has family he’s engaging in supervillainy for, and he’d rather not turn them into a target or a reason to undercut his pay. The distance he keeps from people leaves him a bit lonely, but he keeps those feelings firmly bottled up. To complement his careful approach to villainy, York is a very patient man. He can put up with plenty of waiting or abuse in the name of scoring big. He won’t admit to being very school smart, but he’s smart enough to act on a plan as much as possible. He hates deviating from plans, and considers reckless people to be the type of people with nothing to lose. Twister claims he’s thrown away his morals to really sell his whole villain shtick, but there’s still a few left in him. He’s still wholly devoted to his family, and fiercely protective of them as well. He prefers not to mix innocent people up in his work, particularly kids, but he will if he have to. He doesn’t like resorting to petty theft, preferring to go after bigger targets that either deserve the hit, or can come back from a hit. Finally, he’s a stern believer in repaying a debt as soon as possible, rather than give it an opportunity to gather any kind of interest.[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][BACKSTORY][/color][/b] [indent]Twister was born York Kazehaya, the eldest son of three to a family that just barely managed to scrape by. They sunk deep into debt with loan sharks early in York’s childhood and were never able to recover. They all tried to stay positive in the face of terrible circumstances, but York simply couldn’t. He grew up always wanting more, and his frustrations gradually stacked and embittered him. He couldn’t even find solace in heroes, as their plight wasn’t anything they could fix. He was never one to show his frustrations with his family, however, as he never wanted them to feel guilty for how he turned out. Instead, he blamed the world for not giving them a better chance. After finishing middle school, York chose not to go to high school nor pursue a higher education. His grades were never good enough, and he was firmly against becoming a hero, so why bother wasting more money for school on him? He once dreamed of becoming an airplane pilot, but he cast it aside in favor of becoming an extra bread winner for the family. He took on as many side jobs as he could so that his smarter younger siblings could receive an education instead. But he never stopped growing bitter. He was elated the first few times he was paid, but his hopes were gradually grounded again after seeing most of his money get swallowed whole by his family’s monstrous debt. York’s frustrations reached a headway when he was 19. They weren’t able to pay off the money needed that month, and so a debt collector came by to personally remind them why they shouldn’t miss a payment. York’s father singled himself out to take the punishment, and York himself was only barely restrained from showing the debt collector the door. It was then that York realized that they would never make enough money to pay off their debt, or put his younger siblings through school. Not with an honest living. York realized that if he ever wanted to get them out, he’d have to throw away his morals and put his Quirk towards unscrupulous means. He wasn’t going to let the heat of the moment make him do something stupid immediately, though. He spent the next year in the same old routine, helping to pay the debt and putting money aside for his siblings and himself. Whenever he had time he explored his Quirk further; he had to be prepared against heroes after all. Finally, one day, he dropped the news to his family that he’d be leaving to work far away for a high paying job. That was a lie, of course. He didn’t want his family to learn he was just about to move into super-villainy instead. When he finally left, he rented himself a shitty apartment far away from his old home as his base of operations. He got his start by robbing a series of convenience stores; his escapades earning him the name “Twister” and attracting attention in the criminal underworld. He’s since sold his services as a hitman, an extra gun in a heist, a bodyguard- anything that involves a good payout. His family, miraculously, has never caught on to what he’s become, and little by little they’re finally fighting back their colossal debt.[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][QUIRK][/color][/b] [indent][color=lightgreen][b]Twister Generation[/b][/color] - Twister gets his namesake from how he can very specifically only manipulate wind in the form of green tornadoes. A single tornado can reach 60 feet in width and 90 feet in height with a top speed of 75 mph. He can make up to three at a time, but they all have to be chopped down evenly in size in order to properly maintain them. The smaller his twisters are, they faster they can reach their top speed. He can move twisters up to 60 feet around him, but he’s still as vulnerable to them as anyone else.[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES][/color][/b] [indent][color=lightgreen][b]Eye of the Storm[/b][/color] - Twister generates… [i]a twister[/i] around himself. He’s fairly safe inside unless someone can break through it. [b][color=lightgreen]Twister[/color][/b] - …Yeah. He generates and controls his twisters separate from himself this time. [b][color=lightgreen]Twistehameha[/color][/b] - Twister does not actually call this technique that, but the principle is still there. He can generate a twister outwards from himself like a beam. [b][color=lightgreen]Pop[/color][/b] - Rather than letting his twisters slow down, he instead forces all the collected wind to burst at the same speed they were running at.[/indent] [b][color=lightgreen][LIMITS][/color][/b] [indent][color=lightgreen][b]No Immunity[/b][/color] - Twister is no less vulnerable to his storms as anyone else is. He can easily get blown around or blown back by his twisters if he isn’t careful. [b][color=lightgreen]Big Tornado, Big Windup[/color][/b] - Naturally he can’t just pull one of his huge tornadoes out of his ass. In order to pull off one of his bigger or faster twisters, he needs a some start-up time to get them going. His max size tornado requires at least six minutes to reach its full speed. On the flip-side, an Eye of the Storm that just barely covers him requires at least fifteen seconds to reach its full speed. [b][color=lightgreen]Clockwise[/color][/b] - All of his tornadoes spin clockwise, and they always start in the direction he’s facing. This makes his left side the most vulnerable when he’s starting up an Eye of the Storm, and provides the means to counteract his twisters. [b][color=lightgreen]The Power Of Three[/color][/b] - Twister is seriously just unable to maintain more than three tornadoes at a time. He can add a fourth to the mix, but his tornadoes will start losing consistency before collapsing altogether.[/indent] [/hider]