[@Treshan] If you're going for a Leninist inspired government, your Bolshevik stand-ins i.e. the vanguard party would be governing the country at this period as it is too early for the organs of government to fade away completely. From your description at this juncture you are either on the verge of fighting your Mensheviks stand-ins and the Anarchists or if you want to forgoe the whole civil war thing the Party would be debating how to develop the economy after the turbulent formative years of the Revolution. Left-wing members of the Party, would push for state control over the allocation of all outputs i.e. what later became known as Stalin's Five Year Plan whilst conservative members of the Party would advocate a state-run capitalist economy. Also deciding if the Party is going to advocate World Communism i.e. The Comintern is probably also important as in this game the rest of player states might not care too much for your support of communist revolutionaries within their borders. ============================================================== [@Lauder] [hider=I Wonder Who Could Behind This Hider?] [img]http://img.booru.org/lefty//images/1/8ec5f673d1d1244b49d8994978aede5f37c60f42.png[/img] [/hider] >Respectful of Other States' Sovereignty >Imperalist Country You can only be one friend.