Elle was not a good liar. Once, she caught her brother sneaking out, and he made her promise to cover for him. When her parents asked her if she knew where he was, her response and behavior had been so contrary that they ended up realizing she was lying before she even finished the first sentence. Her brother had been pretty angry with her after that and the whole experience just hadn't gone very well for her. Now she had to lie about why she wanted to know about the dragon shrine. The real reason was that she was afraid she was going crazy and dragons seemed to be following her everywhere she went now and a billion other things. However, since Nil didn't seem to know much about it, she didn't think it wise to disclose all that, not until she knew more, at least. [color=00B2EE]"Well, um," [/color]she said after a pause, [color=00B2EE]"It just seemed... rather unusual and I was wondering if it served some sort of purpose or did something, or, um, if the words meant anything important, or, maybe-" [/color]she stopped herself and bit the inside of her cheek, realizing that if she kept going, she would ramble. [color=00B2EE]"Just, curiosity, I guess," [/color]she decided with a slight shrug, not sure what else she could say that would sound even remotely convincing. As of now, she was torn between getting it all off her chest and keeping it to herself. She kept telling herself that it was the stress of being captured and almost fried to a crisp and having her head hit one too many times, but there was still a part of her mind that thought otherwise. The word, the dragon word she had seen on the shrine, why couldn't she say it? Its meaning was clear in her mind but her mouth couldn't form the sound for whatever reason. She wished she could, then she could tell Nil, but she couldn't, and it was frustrating. [color=ed1c24][i]I know you.[/i][/color] [color=00B2EE][i]Shut up.[/i][/color] She closed her eyes for a second to rid her mind of the image of the dragon's red eyes before going back to stitching up the exit wound. Thankfully, it was smaller than the first one, so it didn't take her as long to get it closed up. She used the towel to wash it one last time before grabbing fresh bandages and wrapping them around his torso to prevent the stitches from ripping. [color=00B2EE]"There,"[/color] she said as she tied it off, [color=00B2EE]"Just don't go getting stabbed again anytime soon and you'll live,"[/color] she added sarcastically. She scooted to the edge of the bed and dangled her feet over the side before standing up and putting things back where she had found them in the first place.