[@Genkai] Well, my roleplaying idea more so takes the idea of .hack, for example our players would know each other from The World, except there's a virus going around called Amalgamate, and literally the virus causes the Monster(and players, it just has a different affect on players :l )) to become real in a sense. Pretty there is two versions of the creature, it can't be harmed, stopped or touched in the "Real" reality, the only way to Kill it is in The World. When a player encounters a creature infected by the virus, if the player wins, they win a little bit of data on how to stop the virus, however, if the player loses they die in the real world, and their character becomes infected, essentially becoming a darker version of their selves. :3 This would be a roleplay where i would play multiple characters, probably the creator of the virus, a player and a detective trying to figure out the fuck's going on :l