[center][h2][color=fdc68a]E.C.H.O[/color][/h2][/center] While everyone piled into the area that they were told to meet, Charlie had actually fallen asleep and because of who she was completely missed all of what the broadcast had shown, however KI-RO recorded it and wait for the girl to wake. When the noises around her started getting louder she jumped up with her hand drawn on her weapon for a second before realizing where she was. Closing her eyes and breathing out quickly [color=fdc68a]"Not everyone is out to get you..."[/color] she muttered to herself, seeing everyone starting to introduce themselves, she crouched down and rewatched the message. Rocking on the balls of her feet while crouched, she thought for a second and turned to KI-RO [color=fdc68a]"what are the chances we all could even take down R3v134t1on? Remember when we narrowly escaped stealing information from them? You still aren't fully repaired from that keep in mind."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"We can talk about this later, but it seems that this UN, which I'm getting a vague idea of what it is from that message, needs out help. Usually i'd say let's sleep on, but considering you already did and they basically ripped out right out of a mission, which shouldn't be possible, not for any normal player, even a beta tester like you, I'd reckon we don't have a choice even if we dont take the offer. Why not right? Getting anything you want would be what anyone desires right? Didn't you talk about wanti-"[/color] a glare from Charlie made KI-RO quiet and lower it's head [color=c4df9b]"all I'm saying is we can talk about this later, why dont we stop ignoring the people around us and introduce ourselves?"[/color] standing, KI-RO moved forward and sat, Charlie standing with her hands behind her back stood behind him and lowered her hood, revealing the armor's dog ears from under the overcoat, a signature of the Huntress Class [color=c4df9b]"Hello everyone, pleasure meeting you, I am "Killing.Infiltration.Robot.Operator D Version" or Kiro for short, that's a real mouthful otherwise but feel free to call me that if you like. Also before we continue, no I am not a talking robot dog, you simply can hear this voice through a complex speaker, I am the dogs A.I operator if that makes sense, there's a big difference..."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"And I'm Sgt.E C H O, or Echo for short, I also go by Glass if you'd like to call me that. I tend to keep my real name hidden, never can be fully trusting, but don't take to much offense please, if you know who I am, chances are that's either a really good thing, or a really bad thing"[/color] she gave a small smile [color=fdc68a]"it's a pleasure meeting you, also dont pay him any attention, he's a real sassy A.I, but he really is a talking robot dog, no need to complicate things Kir-"[/color] [color=c4df9b]"I am not"[/color] the dog turned it's head and bared it's teeth for a second before Echo raised and eye brow and stepped once, making Kiro back off. [color=fdc68a]"As I thought, but that's us, I hope we can be as of help for the team, not to use to it being more then just me and him, being class linked, there are very many places I can go that he wont follow or protect me, though if we have any traitors, word to the wise i would not want to cross him, he has quite the vicious behavior when I am in danger and you're the cause of that"[/color] she said the last part half jokingly, half serious [i][color=fdc68a]"never can be to cautious..."[/color][/i]