[quote=@MissCapnCrunch] [@HushedWhispers][@Dirty Pretty Lies] [i] She's kind of weird, but most kids are :lol [/i] [hider=Poppy Jane Duckworth][center][h1][color=bd93a9]Poppy Jane Duckworth[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://image.prntscr.com/image/84d1ddd1e9284cc38412602e17d916c7.png[/IMG] [i]"Life is like a box of donuts, you don't know what you're gonna get but at least you know it's gonna be donuts, and that's good enough."[/i] -[b]Anonymous[/b] [color=#FFC6E4]⚫[/color][color=#FAC2E0]⚫[/color][color=#F6BFDC]⚫[/color][color=#F2BCD8]⚫[/color][color=#EEB9D5]⚫[/color][color=#EAB6D1]⚫[/color][color=#E6B2CD]⚫[/color][color=#E2AFCA]⚫[/color][color=#DEACC6]⚫[/color][color=#D9A9C2]⚫[/color][color=#D5A6BF]⚫[/color][color=#D1A2BB]⚫[/color][color=#CD9FB7]⚫[/color][color=#C99CB4]⚫[/color][color=#C599B0]⚫[/color][color=#C196AC]⚫[/color][color=#BD93A9]⚫[/color][color=#B88FA4]⚫[/color][color=#B38BA0]⚫[/color][color=#AE879B]⚫[/color][color=#A98397]⚫[/color][color=#A47F92]⚫[/color][color=#9F7B8E]⚫[/color][color=#9A7789]⚫[/color][color=#957485]⚫[/color][color=#907081]⚫[/color][color=#8B6C7C]⚫[/color][color=#866878]⚫[/color][color=#816473]⚫[/color][color=#7C606F]⚫[/color][color=#775C6A]⚫[/color][color=#725866]⚫[/color] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/ea5bc24ac4304b239d1da401ddc2db27.png[/img][/center] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Poppy Jane Duckwork.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Pops, Ducky, and PJ respectively.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Birth Date:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]April 10th, 2001.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]15.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Full time student, inspiring singer.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Classification:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Freshman.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Role:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Niners.[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Poppy is very petite standing at exactly 5 feet tall and around 103 lbs. She hasn't grown into her womanly curves yet, despite her constant praying and tutorials followed on Youtube. She has fair skin that she cakes in the newest makeups and styles. She had doe eyes of brown, and originally brown hair to match. She prefers her hair blonde, because they supposedly have more fun. She has no visible scars and only has her ears single lobed pierced. Despite her modest and somewhat conservative appearance, she tends to wear flashy clothes and wants to get a sleeve of tattoos one day. She describes her style as "soft grunge." [/indent] [center][img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/e5b6ee8d7e7a4772a5f2b811e7a79b06.png[/img][h1][color=bd93a9][u]M Y Q U I R K S[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Barely sleeps - Cleans her ears with Q-tips four times a day - Doesn't know how to ride a bike - Hates her own voice - Takes bubble baths every other weekend[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Hobbies:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Singing - Collecting stickers and stamps - Making weird youtube videos for fun[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Bubblegum pop music - Shopping and fashion - The taste of energy drinks - Disney movies - Makeup tutorials[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- Learning how to drive - Places without wifi - Sleeping in the complete dark - Taking things too seriously - Overly judgmental people[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Fears:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]- The dark - Being ridiculed - Most reptiles, insect, and fish[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [center]⚫ Joyful ⚫ Overly Sensitive ⚫ Creative ⚫ Weirdo ⚫[/center] [indent]Best described as unicorn vomit, Poppy is a very joyful and positive person to the point where it's almost sickening. She can be found often staring with lifeless eyes into the abyss with a toothy grin. She's a little fucked up, but she's a fairly cool, calm and collected person with a child's outlook on life still. Her childish behavior of being sensitive and a bit selfish gets her in trouble often with her friends and family. When she is focused on her music, her personality takes a more true to her self turn, as she focuses on her true kindness that she has in her very innocent heart. She is a creative girl, just doesn't have really all the outlets she could to express herself yet. She secretly believes in any fairy tale, ghost story, and any gossip that crosses her ears. One day she hopes to find someone who will love, accept, and appreciate her, despite her oddities that she brings to the table. [/indent] [center][color=#FFC6E4]⚫[/color][color=#FAC2E0]⚫[/color][color=#F6BFDC]⚫[/color][color=#F2BCD8]⚫[/color][color=#EEB9D5]⚫[/color][color=#EAB6D1]⚫[/color][color=#E6B2CD]⚫[/color][color=#E2AFCA]⚫[/color][color=#DEACC6]⚫[/color][color=#D9A9C2]⚫[/color][color=#D5A6BF]⚫[/color][color=#D1A2BB]⚫[/color][color=#CD9FB7]⚫[/color][color=#C99CB4]⚫[/color][color=#C599B0]⚫[/color][color=#C196AC]⚫[/color][color=#BD93A9]⚫[/color][color=#B88FA4]⚫[/color][color=#B38BA0]⚫[/color][color=#AE879B]⚫[/color][color=#A98397]⚫[/color][color=#A47F92]⚫[/color][color=#9F7B8E]⚫[/color][color=#9A7789]⚫[/color][color=#957485]⚫[/color][color=#907081]⚫[/color][color=#8B6C7C]⚫[/color][color=#866878]⚫[/color][color=#816473]⚫[/color][color=#7C606F]⚫[/color][color=#775C6A]⚫[/color][color=#725866]⚫[/color] [img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/c5c77d704bc2478bab9201bca47e26d4.png[/img][h1][color=bd93a9][u]D E F I N I N G M Y P A S T[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=bd93a9][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Born to an upper middle class American family, Poppy is the only child to Ashley Jane Duckworth and the recently deceased Jerry Duckworth. Jerry had worked as a head for a small indie music company but after a battle with lung cancer, passed away around Poppy's 12th birthday. Mrs. Duckworth works as a dermatologist, but spends most of her time at the country club and drowning in mimosas. Growing up in a nontraditional house, Poppy wasn't taught how to cook, clean, or really tend to her own needs without the help of a nanny. It wasn't until she was old enough to go to school that she realized not all family dynamics out there were just like hers. She felt a bit of independence and rebellion to her own life choices because of this, but those outbursts were quickly shutdown with a stern tone and a firm hand. Poppy was a good kid, kept on top of her school work, practiced her music, and because of her fear of her parents mental and physical abuse- kept to herself for the most part. Junior High school brought Poppy a bit more freedom and allowed her personality and true self to blossom. She kept her childhood ways in her homestead but every morning when she walked through those double doors she was able to leave those worries and thoughts behind for the most part. When her father was diagnosed with cancer, things seemed to go in slow motion and there was no escape. Her parents fought more over more things, and Poppy found herself lost in a sea of confusion and hopelessness. She was just beginning to feel good about herself before another thing knocked her down. At her father's funeral she made a promise to him that she'd keep working on her music, and one day hope to make him proud of the young woman she would become. Saying goodbye to her friends in her old Junior High school, the young girl prepped herself for the next year to come where she would be transferring to a new school. Anyone could see that she felt a bit excited, but ultimately worried that her weird actions online, her family's backstory, and other things would be found out eventually. Honestly, she just hoped for the best as she takes the leap into Beverly Hills High.[/indent] [center][color=#FFC6E4]⚫[/color][color=#FAC2E0]⚫[/color][color=#F6BFDC]⚫[/color][color=#F2BCD8]⚫[/color][color=#EEB9D5]⚫[/color][color=#EAB6D1]⚫[/color][color=#E6B2CD]⚫[/color][color=#E2AFCA]⚫[/color][color=#DEACC6]⚫[/color][color=#D9A9C2]⚫[/color][color=#D5A6BF]⚫[/color][color=#D1A2BB]⚫[/color][color=#CD9FB7]⚫[/color][color=#C99CB4]⚫[/color][color=#C599B0]⚫[/color][color=#C196AC]⚫[/color][color=#BD93A9]⚫[/color][color=#B88FA4]⚫[/color][color=#B38BA0]⚫[/color][color=#AE879B]⚫[/color][color=#A98397]⚫[/color][color=#A47F92]⚫[/color][color=#9F7B8E]⚫[/color][color=#9A7789]⚫[/color][color=#957485]⚫[/color][color=#907081]⚫[/color][color=#8B6C7C]⚫[/color][color=#866878]⚫[/color][color=#816473]⚫[/color][color=#7C606F]⚫[/color][color=#775C6A]⚫[/color][color=#725866]⚫[/color] [h1][img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/160c1c3ee57f41beb5f9cc6d41dbcab5.png[/img] [color=bd93a9][u]M I S C .[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Extracurricular Activities:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] - Choir - Voice Lessons - Junior Cheer Squad[/indent] [color=bd93a9][b][u]Extra:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCXsRoyFRQE]Caravan Palace - Wonderland[/url] [sub]Why do all these things never happen I'm just a random girl with gentle manners If my dreams aren't rocked and I rule the wonderland All up in the club, all up in the gutter.[/sub] [/indent] [center][color=#FFC6E4]⚫[/color][color=#FAC2E0]⚫[/color][color=#F6BFDC]⚫[/color][color=#F2BCD8]⚫[/color][color=#EEB9D5]⚫[/color][color=#EAB6D1]⚫[/color][color=#E6B2CD]⚫[/color][color=#E2AFCA]⚫[/color][color=#DEACC6]⚫[/color][color=#D9A9C2]⚫[/color][color=#D5A6BF]⚫[/color][color=#D1A2BB]⚫[/color][color=#CD9FB7]⚫[/color][color=#C99CB4]⚫[/color][color=#C599B0]⚫[/color][color=#C196AC]⚫[/color][color=#BD93A9]⚫[/color][color=#B88FA4]⚫[/color][color=#B38BA0]⚫[/color][color=#AE879B]⚫[/color][color=#A98397]⚫[/color][color=#A47F92]⚫[/color][color=#9F7B8E]⚫[/color][color=#9A7789]⚫[/color][color=#957485]⚫[/color][color=#907081]⚫[/color][color=#8B6C7C]⚫[/color][color=#866878]⚫[/color][color=#816473]⚫[/color][color=#7C606F]⚫[/color][color=#775C6A]⚫[/color][color=#725866]⚫[/color][/center][/hider] [/quote] Nice. Accepted. Place her in the Character Tab, please.