[h2]Dirk Messir[/h2] When Dirk had first learned that snow existed, he'd wondered what it actually was. When he'd learned that it was made of tiny ice crystals, he'd wondered how exactly so much frozen water could exist in one place without it all turning into a solid ice block. And now, looking at the snow of Drum Island, it was a bit more obvious that all the individual snowflakes [i]were[/i] made of ice, but seemingly fell on top of one another without squeezing the other flakes below them into a single mass. Which was interesting, if chilly to observe. Even his own footsteps didn't compact the ice very much, but he imagined the obvious trail would make his Divine Purpose hellishly ineffective until they all got into the prison. However, Dirk's coat was more than thick enough to keep him warm, and he had to admit that the white covering on the ground was fairly pretty. He was just wondering whether anything could actually be done with the snow when an entire town suddenly exploded. Shadowy explosions, at that. Whilst Jax's warning about avalanches was relayed - though it occurred to Dirk that if the sirens were in place at all, there was probably a negligible chance of their causing any more snow to collapse than the detonations had already managed - Dirk found himself looking around the rest of the island, in particular at the prison itself, and just caught a few licks of flame emanating round the corner of one wall, and the distant sound of yet another explosion. More normal-looking than had just engulfed the town, from this distance. He stared for a moment, then tapped the shoulder of one of his fellow crew members and pointed out that 'Something happened over there,' before beginning to trudge his way toward the prison, and toward whatever had caused that sudden burst of fire. [@Renny][@JmerlRobot][@Tmitche23][@LokiLeo789][@RyoRyoRyoken]