[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i]Detective Roy Gregory[/i][/b][/h1][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/609ab10cfe6a922cead1f8e8f307805b/tumblr_mzh5wrGBcD1si3tc1o1_500.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Block Party --> Danica's Apartment (1C) --> Heading to Work [/center][hr][hr] Detective Gregory grumbled under his breath as walked up the stairs to the Regal building and made his way up to the top floor where Danica's apartment was located. Unlocking the door he stepped in with the small team he had gotten together to looked through the place and left one officer at the door to keep onlookers from getting inside. Sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck he started a general walk through of the place; checking for the one thing he wondered was there before anything else, a suicide note. Main room? No. Kitchen? No. Bedroom and Bathroom one? No. Bedroom and Bathroom two? No. Balcony out back? No. Nothing. Not that he truly suspected that he would find one but he had to look. There were no signs of struggle or a fight within the apartment. Granted considering Danica died across the street and not in here that wasn't surprising. Walking over to the deceased's desk he sat down and opened up her laptop with his gloved hand. Usual stuff, a few games, an open tab to play solitaire, pictures of Danica on various cliffs and mountains. Seemed she really loved that type of activity. A half written piece on the best places to parkour without the cops getting on your tail. Nothing getting his attention until he spotted a folder buried in folder after folder in her work stuff. Folder Label: Peyton Glencross. "What in the hell would a travel writer have anything on Peyton?" he muttered under his breath as he clicked the file to open it. Sitting there reading, his body slowly sitting up in the chair and leaning closer to the screen as he read. His eyes widening before slamming the top of the laptop down and falling back against the chair. "You have got to be kidding me..." he sighed as he rubbed his face. He sat there as the team worked, staring blankly at the laptop before glancing out of the corner of his eye and picking up something from Danica's desk. Palming it in his hand before rising from the seat and beginning to bag and tag the laptop and a few other things. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Once the crew was finished up, they left the apartment. Taping it off and locking it up tight. Gregory left an officer posted at the door and told him he would be relieved come morning but not to, under any circumstances, leave his post. "I don't care if you have to piss your own pants, you don't move," he warned the officer before walking off with the rest of the team and heading out for the night. Time to head back to the precinct and put this stuff into evidence. Glancing around at those still hanging around before jumping the barricade and heading down the street. He wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight, he had to double check on some things he had seen on Danica's laptop before anything else. [hr][hr][center][h2][b][color=a187be]Risa Couri[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/6982344932848d56a47dc0f99306cfd3/tumblr_mkh9dru0Od1s7kxybo1_250.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Apartment 1B [/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Bullshit,"[/color] she laughed, she knew damn good and well the man had thought of every possible reason to get her in a dress he could think of. He knew how much she hated them and he seemed to get far too many kicks on seeing how mad she got when she was forced to wear one. Taking the towel from him she rolled her eyes a bit. [color=a187be]"Yeah, because then you would just hide all the towels and I would be forced to chase you stark naked through the place until you gave me one."[/color] Chuckling as she thought back to numerous times she had had to do just that, the man was completely incorrigible. [color=a187be]"Aww, poor baby. I'll make it up to you,"[/color] she said winking at him as she dried off and he made his way down the hall to deal with whomever was knocking at the door. Grabbing her newly acquired clothing she slipped on the articles before hanging the towel up over the bar on the wall and strode down the hall, her bare feet softly padding against the floor. Stopping at the end of the hallway she leaned against the wall and listened to the conversation. A smirk crawling over her lips as Lucas dealt with officer. As the door closed she crossed her arms over her chest and had to bite her tongue from laughing. [color=a187be]"Don't you mean Wanker my dear?"[/color] she said before stepping over to him and lacing her arms over his shoulders. [color=a187be]"What would I do without you? Protecting my helpless tush from the big mean American cops, going to have to find a good way to reward you for your services governor," [/color] she said before giving him a soft kiss. Turning she shook her tush a bit teasing him as she head over to the kitchen and started spooning out a couple of bowls of the stew that he had made; a coy smile on her lips as she glanced over to him from time to time. Setting everything down along the raised counter top that separated the kitchen from the rest of the main room. Pulling up a rickety stool she nearly lost her balance as the thing swayed too and fro. [color=a187be]"Fucking hell, okay. I have got to talk to our roommate and get our furniture in her properly. You know, before I bust my ass,"[/color] she grumbled as she grabbed the counter top to steady herself and slipped a spoon over to Lucas. Shaking her head a minute before taking a deep breath, finding herself having to stifle a slight yawn. [color=a187be]"Excuse me,"[/color] she yawned. Trying to push the quickly on-setting sleepiness away before taking a bite of the dinner that Lucas had prepared for them. It was a lovely little meal and Risa was more than enjoying it, yawning a thank you to her boy friend. Jet lag was settling in and it wasn't long before she was nodding there like a toddler, her face just barely missing the bowl as she finally slumped over on the stool and her cheek pressing against the counter as she fell asleep right there.