[centre] ' Oh no, im going to be late!' thinks Arduous, evening rain streaming down his now red blotchy face. Arduous huffs at the sight before his bagged down-turned eyes. The crowd looms. Reminding him of a school of piranhas, he sees it hungrily devouring unsuspecting salary men and passers by into its ranks. “Looks like the place” he says aloud gazing up at the huge “HERO ASSOCIATION” sign bolted to the front wall of the skyscraper. 'Must be a new one, too tall to be that old.' he ponders to himself, scratching at the cloud of hair that floats atop his head. He plunges head first into the crowd. An elbow. A fist. The cry of a small child. The sensations barrage him as he pushes his way deeper and deeper, “What are these people even gawking at?” he exclaims, hands paddling through the sea of people. Deeper and deeper he wades, then finally. 'An opening!' Arduous peers forward catching a glimpse of action. [centre][s]---------------[/s][/centre] “Well, we're waiting, come on then! Buncha heroes you are, ya lilly-livers!” shouts a squat man, wild red hair stuffed violently under a solid black bowler. His teeth yellowed and sharpened to fine points. His eyes are a brilliant, almost glowing blue his face is similarly coloured in a mess of knot work tattoos. He points toward the crowd, rolled up sleeves displaying thick ape like arms. “WE AINT MOVIN' 'TILL ONE O' YOUS FIGHTS US!” [centre][s]---------------[/s][/centre] Arduous feels a wave of excitement and fear run though the crowd. The crowds shuffling quickens, and Arduous is pushed closer to the front, the dense collection of suited salary men starts to give way to a second group. “Is the circus in town?” Arduous thinks to himself looking around at the oddly dressed men and women. He rushes forward, eager to see more of the oddly accented men that seem to be guarding the buildings entrance. “Oh no” he stutters, a moment of clarity seizing his mind. “Bugger off. No. They can't be the try-outs” his suspicions becoming more and more cemented. The number of oddly dressed crowd members grows, and Arduous starts to regret ever coming here in the first place. 'But…but they look so STUPID!' he thinks absently not realising that he is now ensnared to the will of the crowd, its tide back and forth dragging him here and there. [Centre][s]---------------[/s][/centre] [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooAEuqsN3Mo]A challenger steps forward![/url][/b] Frizzy hair pushed back by an oversized cowboy hat “I the great, Record Breaking Ranger, will defeat yo' tirade of villainy!” he spits at the stalwart guards, chest puffed outwards defiantly. With a deft twist of his wrist his poncho flicks to one side, revealing a gleaming chrome arm, that disjointedly meshes into his copper coloured skin just above the elbow. He slightly bucks his hips to the left, chrome fingers twitching beside holstered vinyl disks. “You feeling lucky punk?” [centre][s]---------------[/s][/centre] The once nervous crowd bursts into cheer, its sound deafens Arduous as he is dragged back into the depths. The fancifully dressed patrons rushing forwards for a front row seat. A scream. A crash. A snap. The crowds noises are disorienting, but after a few minutes Arduous is pushed back to the front, head sandwiched between a burly man in a luchador mask and some sort of fish-person, “What! How did this happen so fast!” he exclaims in terror. The Record Breaking Rangers legs still stand at the point of the shoot out, spurting oil and blood, his top half nonchalantly held by the older, silent brother in a meaty paw. The crowd panics, people pushing and running in all directions, a push from behind sends Arduous forward, bringing the luchador and fish-woman with him. He yelps a sudden “OH NO, WHY!” The younger now blood soaked brother turns and says with a smirk, “Aaaah, I see's we got ourselves a new buncha eegits!”... [/centre]