[center][img] https://s31.postimg.org/425w8mukr/IMG_20160621_150937.jpg [/img] [h1][color=LightBlue]Rayne[/color][/h1] [/center] [list] Location: [*]Outside Muron Prison [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Renny] [/list] [hr][hr] Rayne fell through the air, his back to the ground and his arm splayed out at his sides. For the seconds he spent in that silence, he made multiple plans. No doubt the Marine would chase after him, he was the most destructive, although leaving Jackal alone was a bad idea to begin with, the guards couldn't handle that guy. Unfortunately, if this Zepp guy was to give chase, were would he run to? Stealing a Navy ship wasn't exactly on his bucket list for the day. As predicted, the Marine jumped after him, seemingly uncaring of the height. A cold sweat and premonition allowed for Rayne to deduce Zepp's next move. Two bullets were fired at him, at least a few feet apart. He could have utilized his explosive layer to block it, but something about this Zepp put him on edge, he wanted to test something. Without a moments hesitation, a stream of yellow fire splayed out from his hands and feet in a massive burst, throwing him horizontally and away from the prison in a blink of an eye, creating a shockwave in his wake. He quickly started to accelerate, fast, and within a few seconds he was hitting 80 mph. The very intense force of the wind pushing at him was strong, but he used that friction. A bout of fire was created on his body from head to past his toes, turning him into a yellow rocket of sorts. This created an extra later of protection on his body as long as he maintained this speed. Running was the only logical answer, fighting would only serve to was time and bring reinforcements. At least Jackal would have a clear path of escape.