Lucie stood stock still for the short time it took Aleksandra, to round the corner and stare at their quarry with murder in her eyes. What exactly she said, she couldn't determine. For while she was, she dare say, above average intelligence for women in current society, she had yet to learn the Russian language. That did not, however, mean that she did not understand the intent behind the words. Soaked through with things she'd rather not think about, uncleanly things smeared across her face and just about everything else, Aleksandra was not a pleasant sight, and it wasn't difficult to guess who she held accountable for her current state. Amber eyes flicked towards Aleksandra, the faux deep voice of Lucie cutting through the silence, speaking in English. "We are not done with him," she said. "I can't let you have him until he has answered a few question. And even then, I wouldn't want to kill him. He could be useful later on." Aleksandra, hopefully, dealt with she turned her attention to their captive, once more smiling at him. She reached out with a hand, running her gloved fingers across his cheek as she sent a pulse of her powers through him. Even just standing there she seemed to look down at him despite being of the same height. Then, using the same deep voice, but reverting to speaking Czech, she spoke, "So first of all, who are you and why were you spying on us? And secondly, [i]Filip[/i]," she smirked then, knowing full well the implications that would dawn on him, by having her know his name, "what exactly do you know about the men that have been kidnapped recently?" There was no need to mince words or try convoluted interrogation tactics to get the information out of him. One look at his face told her that her lurching forward and saying 'boo' would have him wet himself. The sheer weight of her presence and personality, and the looming danger of Aleksandra behind him, should ensure that he talked.