[center][hr][hr][h3][color=FC74FD]Brianna ‘Hal' Caverly[/color][/h3] [hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/3dd44385c09c709012d7986b54018c1f/tumblr_inline_mip44qdHSp1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [b][u]Utah → The Parking Lot → Dorm Room[/u][/b] [b][u]Interacting With; Hermes → No one[/u][/b][/center][hr][center][url=http://www.stylishwife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Dynamic-Crop-top-Outfits-23.jpg]Outfit[/url] || [url=http://unisci24.com/data_images/wlls/45/325605-shelby-cobra.jpg]The Shelby[/url][/center][hr] [center]September 1st[/center] [i][color=yellow]”Brianna, wake up.”[/color] Her father said, gently prodding Brianna's forehead. She hissed, not yet opening her eyes. The noise made Hermes chuckle, and poke Brianna's head harder. [color=yellow]”Come on, today's the last day of summer, I know you don't want to spend it all in bed.”[/color] Brianna's eyes peeled open, her hair stuck to her face because of a drying line of drool. She was definitely a beautiful sight in the morning. Hermes sat before her in a tuxedo that must've been suffocating him. His caramel hair was properly slicked back, showcasing his clean shaven rugged face, and piercing blue eyes. A few years ago, Brianna started to see the resemblance between them, but Hermes still swore she got her looks from her mom. Clipped to his tie was his staff, the snakes twirling together endlessly, hissing complaints about their current form in high pitched tones. It was a strange look with his winged sandals, but she knew he would get endless flirty compliments. After rubbing her face numerous times, Brianna found herself answering. [color=FC74FD]”I don't want to go to school.”[/color] She whined, her lip jutting out in an exaggerated pout. She sat up in her twin bed, the sheets speckled with cigarette burns. The room still smelled of lemon air fresheners, but her father's cologne overtook her senses in a familiar way. Hermes’ eyes flashed with mirth, and he pointed towards a [url=http://img.our-dress.com/images/dress/4492/A-line-Flowing-Short-Length-Skirt-Strapless-Sweetheart-Sequined-Homecoming-Dresses-SG2547-03.jpg]dress[/url], folded on the oak t.v. stand of their motel room. [color=yellow]”Of course you do, now go get dressed.”[/color] With his assistance, Brianna pulled herself out of bed, taking the dress and her underclothes before heading towards the bathroom. It was cramped, the toilet, shower, and sink all straining to fit in the small area. Brianna showered fast, leaving her wavy hair to style itself, applying her lipstick and pulling on her clothes. She appreciated the breathable fabric of the dress, and the colors suited her just fine. When she walked out of the bathroom, she found her father waiting there to applaud her. His chest was puffed out, proud of his daughter for surviving another long summer traveling the world and delivering male to Gods and Goddesses. Today was their special day out, where she would be unnecessarily spoiled. This dress was her first gift, she had received one like it ever since she was thirteen. Brianna, not one to disappoint, did a small spin that ended in her doubling over laughing. [color=yellow]”You look great! I sure know how to pick a dress. Maybe [b]I[/b] should be the God of fashion.”[/color] His lips curled up into his signature smile, and although Brianna rolled her eyes, she found herself smiling too. [color=FC74FD]”Maybe you should, Dad.”[/color] She suggested, slipping on Fterá Angélou, they flapped without her telling them to, causing her to hover a few inches above the ground. She reached down, stroking their feathers affectionately. Hermes hovered to meet her, and together they packed their suitcases into his [url=http://unisci24.com/data_images/wlls/45/325605-shelby-cobra.jpg]Shelby[/url], checked out of the motel, and started their day. It was exciting, of course. They went for breakfast at a local cafe, then they went to the movies. Later in the day, they went for dinner at a fancy restaurant, where two women kept flashing him silky smiles across the room. Of course, there were other stops, but the best part of the night was their dance. They had traveled to a local park in the middle of the night, and using their sandals, flown up just above the trees. Leaves brushed against their exposed ankles as they twirled around to a silent tune. He spun her, and dipped her, and they both shared laughs. Tomorrow he wouldn't be her father, he would be the father and respected deity of many. The thought weighed on Brianna's heart, but she knew it wasn't right to want him to herself. [color=yellow]”What's on your mind, Hal?”[/color] Hermes asked, with a concern so real, so fatherly and simple, Brianna almost believed they were normal. Then she looked down, at the trees below them, and realised they were anything but normal. This lightened her spirit, and when Brianna looked back up she giggled. [color=FC74FD]”Nothing, I'm just not ready for school. Well, I am ready actually...the beds at the hotels are killing my back.”[/color] She let the joke set in, spinning in silence for a moment, her hair sweeping behind her as the breeze caught it. [color=FC74FD]”I really enjoyed the summer Dad, delivering mail with you is always a blast. And today, today was great.”[/color] Hermes looked at her, smiling brightly at the compliments. [color=yellow]”Of course, Hal.”[/color] Was his simple answer, and for the rest of the night they shared jokes, reminisced about their time together, and danced above the ground.[/i] [hr]They sat in the plush leather seats of the Shelby, Brianna driving now that the summer was over and she got the car. Soon they had entered the parking lot, and Brianna smiled at all the activity. Her dad stared at the school, a grim smile on his face. They both felt loss, Brianna would miss her father and guide, and Hermes would lose his loyal assistant and daughter. [color=yellow]”You're participating in the Spartan’s Race this year, right”[/color] Hermes asked absently, still staring at the school as if he could see all the people on the inside. Brianna nodded, rather curt for the situation. [color=FC74FD]”Of course, Dad. I could have checked my phone for the e-mail if you hadn't taken it away.”[/color] She explained, pointing at the objects in his hands and giggling. Hermes blinked a few times, before looking at her smartphone and the other items he had brought along. He tentatively handed her the phone, she wasn't allowed to have the device over the summer, because it was distracting. Brianna set it on the dash for the time being, smiling happily. [color=yellow]”I also brought along these, one is for your half brother, and one is for you...for your birthday.”[/color] He handed her a thick manila envelope, and a smaller envelope that probably contained a handwritten letter and some cash. She knew which half brother he was talking about, Peter. Hermes talked about him from time to time, and Brianna didn't mind the boy's presence. She slipped both letters into her [url=http://ih1.redbubble.net/image.62344056.5494/drawstring_bag,x1404-bg,f8f8f8.u5.jpg]drawstring bag[/url], before embracing her dad and thanking him for the gifts. With some effort, Hermes managed to escape her embrace and exit the car. He smiled, a silent goodbye. I'm a blinding flash of light, his ring became his staff, the snakes staring at her with eyes that carried human intelligence. She smiled at them and they writhed, waving her off. Hermes’ activewear transformed itself into a formfitting, white linen toga, and a winged helmet appeared on his head. Talaria took flight, and in a split second he was off, to the gates of Olympus. Brianna was used to the sight, and although it was an impressive show, it left her in a dark mood. She hated watching him go, leaving her with only a letter and some mental conversations until the summer. There were things to be happy about of course, like her birthday present, and her phone, and the car. Those things were shaded heavily for now. She exited the car, grabbing her phone from the dash and her suitcase from the trunk. As she walked to her dorm for set up, she scanned her texts and played [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7qFF2v8VsaA]’Emperor’s New Clothes’[/url], blasting it on high through her low quality earphones. Soon, she was at a full sprint, and she kicked off with Fterá Angélou, flying the rest of the way. She had checked her e-mail during the flight, and had her room information as well as her team for the Spartan's Race. First years looked at her in wonder as she flew, a sight they would soon get used too. On the fourth floor, she hovered to room E, landing with a small flourish mostly to entertain herself. The room was nice, as it always was, plush beds and a balcony with a great view. Brianna threw her suitcase on one of the beds, taking off her drawstring bag and pulling out her early birthday gift. There weren't any booming voices in her head, telling her to wait until next month, so she opened it. Dumping the contents out t 6 the tune of ‘Happy Birthday’. She hugged the letter to her chest, and set it down on her desk. Then, she replaced her worn wrist cuffs with her new set, they fit perfectly...and Brianna wondered if they were carved by Hephaestus, her dad did enjoy his work. She made a mental note to send a prayer to both of them later that night. After writing a note for her new roommate, whoever that would be, she fled the room and escaped down the hall. Taking laps throughout the dormitory, she warmed herself up for the Spartan's Race. She wasn't used to working in teams, but she knew that they could pick up her slack if she failed. She also didn't mind following a leader, if it would help her towards her goals.