[h3][color=e4add5]Celes Elwyn[/color] and [color=fc3862]Nasir the Zoroark[/color][/h3][b]Celes' Party - [/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=f2b56f]Ranulf the Dragonite[/color], [color=a6bfe4]Mist the Dratini[/color] [b]Zoroark Illusion Status:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/7rZyV9I.png]Human[/url] [b][New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab][/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo][@void liege][@Leoven] The two beginner Trainers shared their goals, causing a warm smile to overtake the black-haired man's features. [color=fc3862]"Those are worthy goals..."[/color] Celes was put on the spot by Lily, and she blinked, completely befuddled. She hadn't even considered what she'd be doing, exactly. Or she had, and had forgotten. [color=e4add5]"O-Oh, me? Ummm. Well, my plan was to raise Mist to become a strong Dragonite. I guess like uhm... maybe become the worlds greatest Dragonite Trainer? I considered just... doing Dragons, but I can't talk to those so it kinda seems like less fun."[/color] Tapping her index fingers together she continued, [color=e4add5]"...Anyway, I heard there's cool Legend-y stuff in Viore, so that's kinda why I'm here. Where there's Legends, there's Dragons! I'm sure I can find more Dratini here somewhere that I can bring back to the Dragon's Den! Right Ranulf?"[/color] With a small nod, the Dragonite would reply, [color=f2b56f][/color] Turning his gaze to Nasir he'd continue, [color=f2b56f][/color] Putting her hands on her hips, and then realizing that messed with her balance, Celes grasped Nasir's shoulders and spoke again, [color=e4add5]"I can't [i]talk[/i] to other Pokémon though, Ranulf! You know that. L-Like I can't just... I mean I can't just catch... whatever..."[/color] Placing a hand to his forehead, Nasir let out a sigh. [color=fc3862]"...Celes would likely benefit from supplies."[/color] Focusing on Devon, he'd continued, [color=fc3862]"If you are willing to enter a Contest, I would be more than happy to participate."[/color] Putting a finger to his lip he'd contemplate for a moment before continuing, [color=fc3862]"If you are not willing... are you allowed to lend Pokémon to other coordinators? Perhaps I could participate with Lily."[/color] Still pouting, Celes let out a small grumble before speaking softly, [color=e4add5]"...I only have a few things in my satchel. I have money though... dunno what I really need."[/color]