[center][hr][hr][color=c71585][h1]Preston James McTavish[/h1][/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://jerzygirl45.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/matt-bomer.gif[/img][/center] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Room 4-[s]play[/s]K [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] NPCs [b][u]Mentioned[/u]:[/b] [@SouffleGirl123][/center][hr][hr] Room 4-K was perhaps the noisiest room on the floor without there being a party in it. A vacuum was howling as one escort was dragging it over an elaborate peacock rug. A second escort had been waiting next to the bathroom with a mop and mop bucket. The bathroom door opened as Preston stepped out with his dark hair dripping and draping his brow in ringlets. With the quick toss of his head, he flicked his hair behind it, splashing the escort behind him with water. Standing in the middle of his room in his bare-ass glory, he shouted over the howl of the vacuum: “Did you unpack my towels?” An escort ceased wiping down the windows before he turned to quickly yank from a gaping luggage bag a dark-blue towel that he tossed to the young lord. Snatching the towel out of the air, Preston pressed it to his face and began to ruffle his hair with it. Wrapping it about his hips, he walked over to the sink and checked the drawer to see that his electric toothbrush system was inside it with a brand new tube of toothpaste. He was pleased that they had actually managed to unpack his hygiene supplies at least—even though his face didn’t show it. He set up his toothbrush system, plugged it into the wall, and removed the electric toothbrush from its charging base. Sliding some toothpaste across the bristles, he commenced scrubbing his teeth as the contraption buzzed to life. “I got thirty minutes to be unpacked, dressed, and sitting in the arena, ([i]which isn’t as much time as I’d like[/i])” Preston informed as though they already couldn’t barely hear him over the roar of the vacuum. Now, he had a toothbrush in his mouth. Preston turned from the mirror to gaze down at the fancy peacock rug, over to the king-sized bed that had taken up half the room, and then to the large flat screen TV that his escorts were currently hanging up on the wall opposite of the bed. How they had managed to get all of those items up all those stairs and into the room? Persuasion, of course. Drawing his toothbrush from his mouth, white foam and saliva coated his lips and flew from his mouth as he asked, “Did any of you unpack my suits yet?” The king-sized bed had completely blocked the closet door and they were forced to take off the door so that there wasn’t a barrier in the way. Climbing onto the bed, the escort walked across it into the closet and removed one of the numerous vacuum sealed suit bags. He preserved his suits like he did his organic vegetables. The escort walked it over to him and Preston zipped it down to peek inside. The escort swallowed nervously when he saw Preston’s brows crash together after glancing over it. “This one will do,” he said, turning to face the sink as he started spitting and rinsing off his toothbrush. He knocked back a bottle of Listerine like he would liquor, filling his cheeks with the burning liquid, which may have seemed excessive but he always had fresh-smelling breath to compliment his dazzling smile. While he was swirling it around in his mouth, he opened another drawer to look for his comb and hair wax.