[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9MOaxcdmYg&list=PLE616781912AF4B40&index=131&shuffle=2475]>Start[/url] [color=fdc68a]"BOY!"[/color] a voice bellowed. Pig shook knowing it was Pech Chivel calling for him. The boy stood up from where he was cleaning and ran in the direction of the voice. Even though the boy had been called multiple times before in this manner it always shook him, never knowing if it was out of anger or just demand. When the boy enter an open doorway he saw Pech was already looking at him, who must have heard the scampering feet. Pech was a scaly man that doesn't associate itself being related to any lizard blood. He was wearing his casual robe that very often had a weapon tucked within. He had a pipe between his teeth unlit. The boy looked at Pech who's eyes were slightly squinting, one being the color of blue and the other yellow; the yellow being robotic. "Pig I need you to hide something" Pech said with talons that had a few cracks in them, tapping on a barrel. Pig nodded and then Pech continued[color=fdc68a] "You have some hiding places that I've found where you've hid some of our food. In this barrel you need to hide everything with in it from me for a week and then bring it to me"[/color] Pig hesitated and then nodded. "Good boy, that's your project for today. You're allowed to leave the tavern" Pech said and then looked down at the barrel. Pech with his pointer scratched a small "x" above the top metal hoop to become a reminder for later. [color=fdc68a]"If I can find the hiding spot then you won't have your neck for any supper. kkkk"[/color] Pech smiled nodding twice as he left out another doorway. . . Pig knew what he had yo do. Pig wouldn't speak of what he was just told as Pech would have wanted. Pig would find somewhere for whatever had to be hid. Pig knew that he wasn't to be seen by anyone; another rule Pech knew to follow. Pig thought studing the barrel and began thinking of how he'd begin to open it. What ever the barrel contained needed to go and soon. . . The tavern had four people sitting at bar stools conversing, one being young blood keeping to themselves. Pech reached into the shelves under the elongated counter that separated him from the drinkers. Sounds of glass and metal tinking together could have been semi noticeable with the music playing in the background. It wouldn't have caused any alarm, as it would seen like regular work or maintenance happening, but something was being prepared.