The sun was already at its highest point of the day, but the Ezel's Smithy had yet to receive its first customer. Now this should by no means imply that his crafting lacked skill or experience. But the Artisan's Guild grew more renown, the more clients decided to call on then instead of the small crafters. One of the most crushing blows was when the City Watch took their business to the Guild. Now, most of Ezel's customers are peasants buying farming tools or just repairing old ones. As it was the case for today's laboring, and was is the right word since the job was long done and the only thing keeping Ezel from lunch was the old miner. Who had probably forgot that the pick would be ready before midday. But today luck seemed to be on his side, before long the miner arrived. [i]"Well chief? Is my tool ready?"[/i] He asked from his bent back position. From the back of the smithy Ezel slowly shuffled out through the tools that were hung from the low ceiling. It was a low ceiling for him, just a few inches and he wouldn't be able to stand straight in the 7 foot tall smithy. His low voice grumbled as a minor rock slide as he handed the miner the reforged tool. [i]"Knew I could count on ya..."[/i] The miner coughed a few times and spat out a reddish phlegm. [i]"Guess I wont have the chance to break it again"[/i] he laughed with a sour look on his face. He opened his light coinpurse but Ezel shook his head and said. [b]"Pay when it breaks, now bugger off..."[/b] He had known the man for quite a while and knew his situation, though nothing different from the other poor bastards working the mines, this man was always a loyal customer as his sons and probably his grandsons should the smithy last so long. The man took his leave and Ezel quickly strung up the "BACK AFTER LUNCH" sign and hightailed it to the food stalls. Rumors had it that an exotic stall would open today. Something a gourmand like him would never pass on. The stall was easy to spot from afar as its blue color stuck out besides all the other dusty shops. He quickly made his way to the stall, well as quick as a rock giant could through the see of people moving about the market. As he drew closer he could hear a feminine voice yell out her wares over tens of others. Now he could also have a better look at the shopkeeper. Most certainly a female but the race was not human. It was a squid of sorts..."Beastkin" he remembered the word. As he reached in front of the stall the only word that left his mouth was a husky [b]"Food..."[/b]