[hider=Pamela Lillian Isley][b]Name[/b]: Pamela Lillian Isley [b]Alias[/b]: Ivy [b]Age[/b]: 2 (technically) Appears to be in her late teens. [b]Powers/Skills[/b]: [list] [*]Plant manipulation/mutation [*]Immunity to toxins, bacteria, and viruses [*]Low level regeneration thanks to her unique biology [*]Slow adaptability to environmental conditions [*]Can survive via photosynthesis [*]Hand to hand combat [*]Innate inclination for advanced botany[/list] [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [list] [*]Does not do well with extreme or rapid temperature changes [*]Requires water and occasional sun to survive [*]Has lost much of her past [*]Though she can still produce powerful and deadly toxins, she's lost much of her scientific prowess in how to actually do so[/list] [b]Alignment[/b]: Walking the Line [b]Personality[/b]: Defiant, Headstrong, Scared, Lost, Confused [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/D9jchigl.png?1[/img] [b]BRIEF Bio[/b]: Poison Ivy is a well known villainess for her almost constant fight for protecting the environment, more specifically plantlife. She has on crossed paths with many heroes and villains over the years. Her ability to manipulate and mutate plantlife has placed her high on the list of villains despite her seeming lack of physical strength. Controlling others through chemical and biological means she is often more subversive than outright deadly. Don't let that fool you though, in the past she wouldn't hesitate to kill if one threatened her precious plants. That said, Ivy's story starts after Poison Ivy has an unfortunate run in with Firefly. Always on the lookout for a big time score the flying pyro raided Poison Ivy's latest lab and destroyed most of everything there in the process. Trapped and severely burned by the encounter the woman effectively died in the aftermath. Her connection with the plant life saved her body, but not her mind. Encased in a pod for two years much of her form was discarded and replaced. Becoming more plant than human she was reborn into a world she knew very little about. The young woman had vague recollection of her former self but largely learned of who she had been from reading and being branded. Though she looked younger it was not hard for people to identify her from her distinct appearance and the ability to cause plants to move and grow. Shunned because of her past she went into hiding so there was only rumor that Poison Ivy was back in Gotham. Having seen and heard of others running around in costumes she created a more practical look in her mind, using tightly woven fibers to create a kind of body armor. She knew who she had been, but the public didn't make her feel any more welcome. Though no one may know it they are fortunate that Ivy no longer possesses most of her biological or chemical knowledge. In her currently impressionable state she could be easily swayed. Undecided she has done both harm and good as she tries to find herself. [b]Storylines[/b]: [list] [*]Make a name for herself beyond that of Poison Ivy [*]Choose whether to devote herself to seeking after her drifting humanity or take up her former cause[/list] [b]Notes[/b]: Ivy has a few creations at her disposal. Under the suit she's created is several feet of stout vine that she can use as a weapon, small pellets filled with spores that act as an effective tear gas, and darts tipped with numbing agent. She's currently trying to figure out how to make more so there is a limited quantity. [/hider]