[center][img] https://s31.postimg.org/425w8mukr/IMG_20160621_150937.jpg [/img] [h1][color=LightBlue]Rayne[/color][/h1] [/center] [list] Location: [*]Drum Island [/list] [list] Interacting: [*][@dragonmancer] [*][@RyoRyoRyoken] [*][@Renny] [*][@BCTheEntity] [*][@Tmitche23] [*][@JmerlRobot] [/list] [hr][hr] Rayne gritted his teeth as he accelerated, fridged air slapping his face like loose branches in a dense forest. [color=LightBlue][i] "81. 84. 89."[/i][/color] Rayne sounded off in his head, measuring the break neck speeds that he was flying at. Flying gave him an amazing visual rush as the snowy terrain around him whizzed by at ever-increasing speeds. Despite his speed, he could sense the aura of the Marine Captain on his ass. [color=Crimson][i]"He's still on us."[/i][/color] Xerxes began, raising his spectral voice. [color=LightBlue][i]"Don't you think I know that, your not helping!"[/i][/color] Rayne affirmed in his head. [color=Crimson][i]"Think Rayne, its simple deduction, he is fast enough to keep up with us."[/i][/color] Xerxes began. [color=LightBlue][i]"No doubt."[/i][/color] Rayne grunted mentally. [color=Crimson][i]"He had no qualms about jumping from that height, and still survived to chase us. This guy isn't exactly normal, and I have a hunch that none of this is a devil fruit power."[/i][/color] [color=LightBlue][i]"I know all that, whats your point?"[/i][/color] Rayne countered, becoming indignant. [color=Crimson][i]"My point is, don't underestimate the enemy, think, he survived a fall from that height, his aura is basically teleporting from place to place to keep up,"[/i][/color] Xerxes hinted, egging Rayne on. [color=LightBlue][i]"He has the capability to meet us in the air if not catch up to us, he speed his crazy, so we assume he wants us to land. He's waiting for us to tire out."[/i][/color] Rayne realized. [color=Crimson][i]"Exactly, this Zepp is seemingly strong, his devil fruit ability has yet to be reveled, and look, he's still on our ass."[/i][/color] Xerxes said finally. As quickly as the conversation began, it ended, leaving Rayne in complete silence. Rayne had a massive amount of energy, not to mention the fact that he knew how to conserve it. Assuming this island was maybe 150 miles across, and he flew at a constant rate 90 mph, it would have taken him 40 minutes or so to span the whole island and meet the sea. Could Zepp keep up? Rayne defiantly could fly for longer than 40 minutes. Zepp could have came to that conclusion to, so if he didn't have a fail safe, this chase would have been for nothing, which meant Zepp either had reinforcements near the island, or had a secret ability on the back burner. Rayne blew out a bored breath as he released another shockwave, hitting 95 mph, damaging hundreds of tress in the process. Decisions, decisions. Unfortunately, he would have little time to fully formulate a plan as he was ripped away from the confines of his own mind. In the distance, bouts of black fire ragged in the town, eating everything, and everyone without hesitation. [color=LightBlue]"That's not my fire.. "[/color] mumbled despondently as he flew over the flames and into the smoke, the heat scorching his face even at his high altitude. Instantly, Rayne's head snapped to the side, another aura had appeared, a smaller one. Could that have been the reinforcements that Zepp may have called for? It was an aura unrecognizable to him, but was different from the civilians that frantically ran through the snow covered streets. Rayne immediately nose dived, slowing down to adjust to the wind resistance. Within seconds, his bout of flames disappeared as he somersaulted into the snow a few feet away from the aura he perceived. He definitely was not a Marine, clad in almost all black with unusual white hair. Rayne was still careful not to approach the boy, slightly wary of the young man. [color=LightBlue]"You wouldn't happen to be here to save me would you?[/color] Rayne called tentatively, slowly getting on his feet, snow crunching underfoot. It was a shot in the dark.