Chester sat in the Cauldron, drinking, as usual. Taking bets, people certain that he wouldn't be able to stand undefeated for a third night in a row - 8 challengers in, the self proclaimed-trader showed no signs of slowing down. Sure, he seemed to get winded, but it was hard to tell with him, he was already drunk when he got in, reaking of booze, yet, he seemed to be able to go the whole night with a drink in his hand without ever toppling over - his alcohol prowess could probably only be matched by one man in town. And that white-haired swordsman, the legendary drinker - Isaac Newgate, a notorious drinker, brawler and hired muscle, working for the Quartz Company as a freelancer, handing out as many asskickings as he's drank beers. And that's quite a lot. Isaac had been eyein the newbie - the one with the blonde hair and the blue eyes, the one who had a still not healed wound on his head, and bandaged shoulders. He had the apptitude of a warrior, yet he didn't don a weapon, Isaac, despite his wobbly vision could clearly tell that this guy was a warrior, a pirate, probably. Pirate meant he had money, Isaac and his partner could increase their weekly earnings quite easily, by just challenging this guy to a bet.