[color=green]"Two hours, huh?"[/color] Setting herself on a wooden crate, Freya huffed at a cigarette, trying to figure out what to do with herself. Story of her life, really. At least she was trying to put more effort into dressing herself. Uniforms were just so easy! At the moment she wore a brown and white plaid button up hanging open over a pale green tube top and blue jeans. [i]Purupurupuru. Purupurupuru.[/i] Freya reached into her pocket, pulling out a plain baby Den Den Mushi. Opening it, she was about to shift into her serious mode, but it was only Samehana. Not really thinking about it, she answered, [color=green]"Uh, sure. Why not?"[/color] Hanging up, she stowed the Den Den Mushi away. Some old habits died hard. Stretching, Freya stood up, turning west and heading over. Now, what kind of place was the Angler even going to be? Guess Freya would find out when she got there. Hopefully there would be food. Or alcohol. Or gambling. Or some combination. Freya was a simple lady. [@RyoRyoRyoken]