[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ryan%20Stillmen&name=Across%20the%20Road.ttf&size=80&style_color=A1410D[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/6e540bc4e08289ed8cbfed22ac07541e/tumblr_nhjiyanlO71ridq0qo1_500.gif[/img] [u]Location;[/u] His Apartment → The hallway [u]Interacting With;[/u] Roxanne via text -[@HushedWhispers] → Reed -[@smarty0114] → Myriam via text [@KahleenCuthald] [/center][hr][hr] [Indent][indent]Ryan looked down at his phone as it vibrated on the table, Roxanne's name popping up on the screen, picking it up he looked at Reed and nodded. [color=A1410d]"Of course it's cool. Not like it's an invite only type of thing, Zay's cool. She's likely already invited half of New York."[/color] He said with a laugh. [Color=a1410d]"And getting shitfaced sounds like a good idea tonight actually."[/color] He added before checking the text from Roxie still smiling until he started to read it. Why the hell was Roxie freaking out about Reed being here? He was usually over to their apartment hanging out, or Ryan was over at his and Leo's. [center][b]To: Roxie[/b] [color=A1410d]"Because he's my friend. It's kind of normal for him to be here, and he wanted food. I'll get him out, but why the hell are you freaking out?[/color][/center] With a frown Ryan clicked the send button before looking up at Reed and smiling as he brought up Roxie. [color=A1410d]"Things are good with Roxie, other than her acting like a weirdo today."[/color] He answered looking down at his phone again to see if she had answered back before looking back up and Reed. [color=A1410d]"And it's a crush, we're not dating and I'm not dead."[/color] He said with a small laugh after all it wasn't like Ryan was so deluded that he didn't think Roxie slept with people just because he secretly had a crush on her. They weren't dating, it wasn't like he was going to sleep with one of her friends or something. [color=A1410d]"Just you know, not anyone Roxie and I know. That would be a dick move on my part."[/color] He added as a after thought. Ryan was smart enough to know that sleeping with anyone that Roxie was friends with would make the possibly for things to ever happen between them even harder. To do anything like that would be stupid on his part. Ryan grabbed his wallet before standing and shoving it and his phone in his pocket, before walking towards the kitchen. [color=A1410d]"Come on dude, I'm bored out of my fucking mind. Let's go find something to do, or head to the cafe, something."[/color] He said trying to get Reed out of the apartment, plus it really was true, he didn't want to spend the day hanging out until they went to meet up at the cafe. He waited for Reed to head out before following him out before locking the door behind them. Pulling out his phone he sent out another text as they headed towards the elevator. [center][b]To: Myri ♫[/b] [color=A1410d]"Hey my friend is singing at Village Cafe tonight, if you want to actually hear good music. Just a heads up :P"[/color][/center] [/indent][/indent]