[hider=Semi-Charmed Life] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss0kFNUP4P4[/youtube] Robert approached the three familiar figures that stood before him, the grass swaying back and forth as a gust of wind blew through the field. “Hey, guys. Sorry I haven’t visited in awhile, life’s been pretty hectic recently,” the boy told them with a smile. “I brought you each flowers, and I didn’t even have to steal them either. Bought them with my own money.” He placed a bouquet at each of their feet, gaining him a nod of appreciation from them all. Turning to the only man of the trio, Robert looked directly into eyes. “So how does it feel having me be the exact same height as you?” he asked with a chuckle. “I did what you wanted though. Not-so-little Robert is attending Beacon. Not only that, but I even got assigned to be the leader. Got beat up by a giant bull Grimm to do it, but I think it was pretty darn worth it. Don’t you?” The man didn’t reply, but the young hunter knew he was proud of him. Next, the boy looked to the woman, her sweet and sensitive smile instantly warning his heart. “I have good news for you as well. I, uh, I went on my first date… and had my first kiss,” Robert told her, his cheeks slightly more red than usual. “Her name is Priscilla and she’s super nice. I can’t wait to introduce you to her. I know you’ll love her.” Finally, he turned to the young girl that stood at the end, kneeling down in front of her so they’d be at eye level. Her arms were tucked behind her back as she twisted side-to-side causing her sundress to twirl. “How old are you now, Scarlet? Twelve? Oh man, you’re getting so big. You’ll be as big as me one day,” Robert told her before placing a hand on her head to ruffle the girl’s red hair. Strangely, his hand touched a surface that felt more like smooth granite than the top of a young child’s head. Tears began to well up in Robert’s eyes as he removed his hand from the top of his sister’s gravestone. Ten years had passed. Ten years since his family was taken away from him. But the boy wasn’t bitter about it. He missed them, he loved them, but he was still happy. He had a new family in the form of Priscilla, Greyson, and Daniel who he loved just as much as his real blood relatives and he had achieved his father’s dream to attend Beacon Academy. For once, things really seemed to be looking up for him, and Robert was glad he could share it with his father, mother, and sister even if they weren’t actually here. “I’ll try to visit more often, guys. Especially now that I’m not having to spend every day of my life fighting to survive. But I have to go now. We’ve got our first mission together and I’m so excited. I don’t know what we’ll be fighting, but I’m sure we’ll helping tons of people by doing it. Goodbye.” And with that, the young hunter-in-training left the small plot where the Fallson family rested, dreaming of all the adventures he’d be able to tell them in the next few weeks. [i]”Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments.” - Rose Kennedy[/i] [/hider]