Ivy listened carefully to Canis, her eyes focused on him and the way in which he conducted herself. Though she agreed not with her station in life she knew that there would be a chance to move up and if killing her old friend, Heimdal was the last move to checkmate then she'd have no problem finishing the race laid before her. Various members of the new slave class before her stepped up and tried to dance with her equals, a smile touching her lovely mouth here and there as they failed, some more miserably than others. Lumina almost moved forward to fight one of the men, but knew her place and waited for Canis to give her a welcome mat upon which to wipe her feat. Her trident and net sat just before her, but it was simply her dagger in which she would provide a lesson to the beautiful young woman that declared bravery or stupidity by stepping forward. The invitation was given and Ivy smiled at the girl with wicked intent, stepping forward and sliding her blade into the side of her loin cloth, her head tilting just so as she let her eyes offer no solace or reprieve. "Do you believe in hell, girl? Do you know what it feels like to have the devil himself bend upon you and strip you of everything you believe to be yours?" She smiled and gave the girl a 'come-hither' with the fingers of one hand, the other languidly by her side. "No? Well, let me show you..." Nairi snorted her amusement, feeling quite disappointed that she'd be facing a woman. Exactly as it was on the selling block, here it appeared that a person's worth was measured on scales marked apart by gender. Or maybe it was simply because she was the only one left yet to fight, aside from the Dominus himself. A quick look to the side and she saw her preferred opponent; the man who brutalized the first challenger. Even though the entire situation was an extremity compared to norm, there was something in him that didn't sit right. He looked more than hungry, as if he existed not for the thrill, not only to inflict pain, but to see his enemy suffer. It was saddistic and sick the look he gave as his pulped 'pupil' was dragged away. She wanted the chance to carve him a new look. The woman she was to face now looked more refined, if that was possible. She had the bearing of a true battle maiden, fierce and true to the sport - no - the Art of war that is combat. Nairi gave her a solid gaze and moved toward the starting point. From the weapons on offer, she selected what felt most familiar; twin pugiones. A few times before, she had pulled a similar weapon from that sweet spot between the spine and neck, usually after a flurry of blind stabs and slashing. Wielding two of them would give some sort of an advantage, she thought. Looking directly into the woman's eyes, she smiled and drew the blades against each other, the sound of metal against metal ringing a shrill tune. Compared to her own lean and slender form, Luminia's towering physique was packed with hard muscle and extreme curves. The woman was still gorgeous, hard as it was to believe and admit. Nairi drew the blades a final time and brought them down about her in a half-arc from the centre. "Just show me how you look when you lose!" The last word came out like a roar, and the smaller woman launched herself at the Doctore with cross-crossing slashes. Her movements were quick and wild, their direction for the moment was straight, and her sights narrowed on the exposed belly ahead. A smile touched Ivy's lips as she moved with ease to the side, the girl a fireball and full of piss and vinegar. She liked her already, but had a lesson to teach the young thing and it was best learned day one rather than meeting death head on day two. As she moved to the side her fingers wrapped tightly around the girls upper arm, pulling hard and pressing her front to the girls back. The battle was no match at all and yet it was really more about taking ones place so that the gladiators might give them rise to a higher calling, a deeper purpose. Her blade was drawn with speed and experience before the smaller women could fathom what had taken place, the blade pressed to her throat and Lumina to her back, her lips near her small ear. "That is where you've made your first mistake, little one... that you'd ever get the opportunity to see my face." She pushed the knife in a little, but with an arm tucked behind her back, the point was proven and Ivy let her go, pushing her off and walking toward her fellow Doctores with a shake of her head. "I'll need to fight one of you later to remember how it is to be challenged."