[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjA4ODM5MS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3Zy4wAAAA/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Mercury laughed at the quip about him being the Hulk, but only it made him hungry instead of smashy. He nodded, and soon before he knew it all the sandwiches he’d bought were unwrapped, and devoured. [color=99ccff]"People are going to notice her death regardless of how you plan it. Killing people isn't the solution to every problem, man."[/color] Mercury smiled a little at that. [color=0099AF][b]”Perhaps it isn’t, but boy will it be satisfying to watch the life fade from her eyes.“[/b][/color] He walked onto the train when the doors opened he walked onto the train. He found a seat across from Eddie he didn’t really care it’d be four hours. He’d just take a nap, he was feeling pretty tired now what with eating so much. Pretty soon his eyes were shut, and his human form faded away. Thankfully though his hood was pulled down more hiding his face so he could sleep easier. The dreams he had was the same one from the night before. In fact it'd started to become a recurring nightmare the people, and the monster at the end. At the end of the train ride Mercury’s stomach began growling, and he let out a pained whimpering as he woke up. He set his hands to his face sighing into them. It’d been four hours, and they were only a few minutes away from pulling into the station. [color=0099AF][b]”Man… I could eat a horse I’m so hungry.“[/b][/color] He grabbed his bag, and looked up at Eddie. He looked worse for ware, and the voices from the masks were now trying to urge him to go after Tia.