[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/58604676b752b092fa79b0971371cd7f/tumblr_inline_mx7e7d9ohJ1rpeqts.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Eddie glanced up from her comics, and realizing that there no longer was a person sitting across from her. Instead, it was...she didn't know what to call it. It was Mercury, but as something else. Every so often, she would glance up, watching him battle through what appeared to be a nightmare. However, deciding it was better to leave him be and avoid Warlord hitting her again, she remained quiet. Of course, during this particular train ride, it proved to be harder than usual. About halfway through, Mercury continued to snooze away. Eddie finished her comic book and placed it away, only to look up into the barrel of a gun. Three figures, all wearing silver masks, had dispersed themselves along the train. Each mask was created differently, some smiling, some laughing, some crying. She remained still, as most of the conversation on the train died down. [i]He'll eat them if he wakes up...[/i] Eddie realized. [color=orange]"Stand!"[/color] the silver masked foe ordered, motioning for Eddie to rise with his gun. She complied, and allowed herself to be shepherded to the aisle, along with two others. They were all ginger girls, fairly young. Already, Eddie had begun to sense a profile. [color=orange]"We are not cruel,"[/color] another mask said, the guns pointed at the girls. [color=orange]"This is a...uh...[i]democracy.[/i]"[/color] [color=99ccff]"A democracy?"[/color] Eddie asked, a bit incredulous. She glanced over at Mercury, seeing if he had awoken. [i]Nothing.[/i] [color=orange]"Vote,"[/color] the masks instructed simply. [color=orange]"Vote which shall die."[/color] Eddie raised an eyebrow. Around the train, people were staring at the masks with horror. [color=99ccff]"And if they don't vote?"[/color] Eddie asked. [color=orange]"All die. Even them."[/color] [color=99ccff]"Great!"[/color] Eddie smiled. The masks operated simply, hardly using a single word. They would raise a hand over each girl in turn. Those who voted for that girl to die would then raise their hands, and a tally was taken. It was silent, and it was quick. In a matter of moments, they had voted. Eddie, predictably, would be the one to die. The masks aimed their guns at her, cocking them. Eddie merely smiled, allowing them to push her back up against a wall. Terrified passengers in the seat, their faces filled with remorse, scurried off as far from the scene of the execution as they could. The masks paused, the guns resting against Eddie's temple. And they pulled the trigger. Instantly, each of the masks were struck in the back of the head, and they crumpled to the ground. Eddie chuckled a bit, as the illusion of her -- the dead her -- faded away into nothing. The only thing that might have disturbed Mercury was the gunshots, but she doubted it. He was too sleepy. With the help of some of the other passengers, she tied the masked foes up, and locked them in the supply closet near the back. Returning to her seat, Eddie pulled out her comic, and began reading it by the beginning again. Eventually, she watched Mercury begin to stir, and she smirked slightly. [color=0099AF][b]”Man… I could eat a horse I’m so hungry.“[/b][/color] [color=99ccff]"We're almost there. You didn't miss much,"[/color] Eddie said with a smile, continuing to read. [color=99ccff]"There's some food in the supply closet if you're really hungry..."[/color] she joked.