[hider=Squire] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6xmDxt5Zul0/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] Name: Colton 'Colt' Sheldrake Alias: Squire Age:18 Powers/Skills: [hider=] Martial Arts (Assorted): Colt has learned a myriad of different fighting styles, though he is no master at any of them. He’s learned a touch of Kung-Fu, as well as Military-based close combat fighting techniques. When mixing those styles together, he mainly focuses in ways that rely upon using the enemy’s weight against them. He’s partial to utilizing pressure points in his attacks. Marksmanship: Colt has an incredible aptitude in sharpshooting. He can launch bullets that bounce off nearby surfaces towards a target to prevent the opponent from figuring out where the bullet is heading. Fencing: Under the tutelage of Knight, Colton became an expert in swordplay. His method of choice, each of his strikes are able to pack a punch behind them when wielding a one-handed weapon. Skilled Acrobat: As part of his initial training, he became an excellent gymnast. Escape & Evasion: Colton has training in various escape techniques, including lock picking, slipping ropes, and breaking out of zip ties. He has knowledge of the best ways to get out of common restraint positions, as well as what to do in situations where he is being held captive - whether it's breaking out of a locked car trunk, or the ropes tying him to a chair. Surveillance: Blending in with a crowd, tailing a target without being seen. The opposite is also true; he has learned how to pick up on when he is being tracked, and how to ditch someone following him. [/hider] Equipment: [hider=Slingshot]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/onepunchman/images/5/58/Golden_Ball's_slingshot.png/revision/latest?cb=20130301120245[/hider] As a nod to the weapon of his predecessor, Colt wields a more advanced version of the normal Slingshot, which he arms with hi designated [b]Giftballs[/b], small spheres that carry a wide variety of tricks, from smokescreen to electric darts. Weaknesses: Squire is still immature and inexperienced in his career as a crime-fighter, with quite the room for improve. He is prone to rush head into combat without fully thinking a viable strategy first. Though not a scrap in his manner of fighting in that he mixes and matches styles, he is not close to mastering a single one. As such, there will always be counter-maneuvers to his strikes that he is unaware of. His hits are not always as precise as they should be, displaying his inexperience. Alignment: Hero Personality: headstrong, carefree, rebellious, cocky, staunchly loyal towards those he considers friends. Appearance: I imagined Squires suit to be a hybrid between [hider=This]http://orig08.deviantart.net/4475/f/2011/217/f/c/spiderman_costume_redesign_by_anjinanhut-d45k7hh.jpg[/hider] and [hider=This]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCc3r1YSUImawJC-hO5rz6mdQstmszovOcBh-g20e04C5I46ce[/hider](of course minus the full face mask and the spider theme). He uses the color pattern of red and yellow to honor the memory of Cyril while he keeps most of his equipment in the backpack. He covers his identity using a black, fitted domino mask. BRIEF Bio: Born and raised in the glorious England, Colton Sheldrake grew up with his mother only, since his father, a Royal Air force fighter pilot, was killed in action when Colt was still a babe. Despite receiving excellent education, the lack of a father figure left the boy on his own devices during the most pivotal years of his growth. Predictably enough, the smart yet undisciplined Gary soon became a street kid, trying to prove his worth with petty crimes and stupid capers he tried to impress his friends with. When he became a teenager, unavoidably things got worse for him, until the time he got in serious trouble: he stole a car, and during a race escaping from the cops, he smashed it against a hydrant. Colton was arrested and imprisoned, but unexpectedly he was released soon after: by a mysterious young woman that used her credentials to bail him out. When he finally met with her, she introduced herself as Beryl Hutchinson and revealed to him about her secret identity and why she had been tracking him for a while now. Colton was the son of Stephen Sheldrake, younger brother of the late Cyril Sheldrake. While the second son wasn't involved in the crime-fighting legacy of his family, but tried to support his brother when their father was murdered by his nemesis, Spring-heeled Jack. Despite his best efforts, Stephen couldn't kept Cyril from sinking into despair, and after being turned down to many times by his then drug-addicted brother, he left his old family behind in favor of his new one and his military career. Recently, Cyril met his end at the hands of Talia Al-Ghuls clone of Damian Wayne and the mantle had passed to Beryl and it was her turn to choose a Squire. She offered the position to Colton, the last Scion of the Sheldrakes, and with nothing to lose, he decided to accept her offer, but also agreed on keeping the thing secret from his mother. Storylines: Still thinking about that.... Notes: [url=Theme]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQIutbZWAqU&list=RDwQIutbZWAqU[/url] [/hider]