[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjA4ODM5MS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3Zy4wAAAA/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] [color=99ccff]"There's some food in the supply closet if you're really hungry..."[/color] Mercury was actually interested in that as his stomach was really starting to scream out for food. [color=0099AF][b]”Really?!? I’ll go check it out.“[/b][/color] So he stood up, and went to the supply closet before Eddie could stop him. Only to see some people standing in front of it. [color=0099AF][b]”I heard there was food here. Is that right“[/b][/color] The people looked at Mercury funny, and then saw his mask soon making them start screaming in fear. [b]”Get HIM!"[/b] They charged Mercury making him confused, and when they started hitting him. It started pissing him right the fuck off. It was when someone hit him with a pure iron cane that he screamed out in agony. He pulled into himself as they started hitting him with the cane. [color=0099AF][b]”Stop it! Please, stop it,“[/b][/color] he was begging them to stop hitting him. But, they weren’t relenting soon there was a swarm of passengers on him. The light around him seemed to blacken, and then a force pushed out standing in Mercury’s place was a beast that looked much like a werewolf with the mask conforming to his head like the top part of the skull. His mouth opened revealing rows of white curved fangs. He bit down on one of the passengers, and tore their throat out. He grabbed one of the passengers, and threw them into his mouth swallowing them whole. Anyone with arms reach he consumed they were guilty in his eyes, and he walked down the aisle towards them slowly snarling. Then stopped looking at Eddie with his solid golden eyes he drew his face in close to hers sniffing at her. But, he did nothing else to her, and soon ran on all fours. In fact he seemed to be avoiding anyone that hadn’t attacked him. Only going after the people that hard harmed him, he was defending himself.