[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e2f25075509bdcc56f11374fd0fa2d6d/tumblr_inline_mx7c70bYb31rpeqts.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr][color=0099AF][b]”Really?!? I’ll go check it out.“[/b][/color] [color=99ccff]"No, Mercury, don't--"[/color] Eddie exclaimed, but it was too late. The men who decided to guard the door screamed, and began to attack him. They hit Mercury from all sides, encouraging more and more people to join in. Eddie's eyes widened, her heart practically beating too fast to be safe. Mercury, now a beast, devoured each and every person in his way. He went up to Eddie and sniffed her, her eyes wide. She bit her lip, torn between two choices. Choice one: steal the guns from the supply closet, shoot them up in the air, and force everyone to calm down. The problem? She'd end up in a felony prison. Choice two: surround Mercury with a light cage, keeping him from hurting anyone. She hit her head against the seat-back in front of her, groaning a bit in frustration. Those were the solid eyes. The one she was supposed to [i]look[/i] for and keep him away from people. Resolving never to make a joke about there being food in a closet, Eddie rose to her feet. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the area around her. [color=99ccff]"Shut your eyes if you want to live!"[/color] Eddie screamed above the chaos. She stepped into the aisle, and creating huge walls of light, preventing Mercury from leaving the aisle if he wanted to avoid the light. It didn't bother her eyes at all, but to anyone else, one look and they'd be blind. The only issue with this plan? She was screaming in pain, hardly able to sustain that much energy. But it had to be done--it was the only way to save anyone. Falling to her knees, Eddie panted, trying her hardest to maintain the pillars of light. [color=99ccff]"Mercury...Stop!"[/color] Eddie shouted, her arms and hands shaking, as if she was holding a planet on her back.