[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/af103ad42192f9ce88e478aebb71571f/tumblr_inline_mx7dr43dcL1rpeqts.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Eddie would have raised an eyebrow at Mercury, had she the strength left. Twenty minutes in to holding up the light barrier, she was hardly aware of what was going on around her anymore, and struggling to perform the simplest of tasks. Mentally rehearsing several times what she would say to Mercury, in an attempt to be curt, Edwina continued to keep the light barrier up. [color=99ccff]"Will you stop hurting them?"[/color] Eddie asked, only to cough up more blood. She let out a scream, tears trailing down her face. It had been ages since she flexed her mental muscles this much--the pain was unimaginable. Part of her wondered whether or not she'd black out sooner, rather than later. If she blacked out, it'd be as good as signing her own death warrant. But she wasn't going to let Mercury become a monster. She wasn't going to let him maim and kill the people on the train. She found some comfort in the softness of the wolf-thing rubbing its head against her, but not enough to stop holding up the light barriers. For all she knew, this was one of Mercury's tactics to attempt to get her to stop, and to let him kill the rest of the people on the train.