[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/237524d00d8636d9f083637a9f3a3d40/tumblr_inline_mx3gzquWZ41rpeqts.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr]Eddie broke out into a smile when she saw Mercury's agreement, and she let go. The light barriers vanished instantly, and Eddie went slack, desperately catching her breath. Her entire body felt crushed, and her head pounded, protesting her earlier decision. Before she was able to do much, however, she felt Mercury pick her up, and start to run. Eventually, he licked her face clean. Eddie blinked at him. [color=99ccff]"I can walk, thanks,"[/color] she said weakly. He didn't seem to respond. Instead, he went over to a bench, set her and the bags down, and then collapsed. He fell over, completely unconscious. Eddie sighed. Starting to stand up, her knees wobbled, and her legs gave out on her. Grimacing, she looked down at the collection of masks. She was really hating what a regular occurrence this was becoming. [color=99ccff]"Which one of you wants to help?"[/color] Eddie asked, chuckling a bit. She couldn't call her parents and ask them to pick them up in some park. It'd be too...weird. She'd much rather wear a weird mask in order to be able to carry Mercury to her house, and once inside, hide her face until in her room. There, she could successfully collapse. [color=99ccff]"I just need someone who can make me stronger...Playing with light is harder than it looks, you know?"[/color]