So, I was thinking our first mission could be taking down an old HYDRA base being used by past remnants of the once strong faction. After S.H.I.E.L.D's raid, a number of stragglers who had still had inside connections were able to avoid the brunt of the attacks and swiped some Hydra tech before escaping overseas. .............. And uh…..that’s where this was supposed to end, with the above paragraph but then I started...thinking more Got more ideas. Then this happened. ................... [Hider=Mission Parameters]One such individual, the leader of Hydra's Science Division, Paul Norbert Ebersol, has taken not only a number of advanced weapon schematics kept on a flash drive but other highly dangerous pieces of machinery. He plans to re-engineer, improve upon, and sell billions of dollars worth of most likely stolen technology that could potentially bring a city to its knees if left unchecked. Our intel states that he's using an old Hydra institution for his studies that we previously assumed was just an abandoned factory. In actuality, this place is laced with top level security, a number of mercenaries and a series of other anti-theft countermeasures. To be honest we're only be able to know about it due to a leak, Hydra's failing infrastructure has caused a lack in its information security. We were able to use one such leak to intercept an invitation for Ebersol's black market arms deal being held at the facility. He plans to sell whatever he can to the highest bidder and then get out while the getting's good. This mission will require three teams- [u][b]Team A[/b][/u] is to secure the mad doctor- We will provide you with invitations we "borrowed" from some poor souls who weren't able to make it. You will have to find and capture Ebersol, we can't risk him slipping away again with more Hydra secrets and we need to know just how many other budding heads are left to stamp out. He'll be surrounded by many guests, it is a party after all, so try to lure him out to somewhere secluded but be wary of his mutant partner, Marvin Flumm, any sign of funny business will have him scan your mind. We'll attempt to teach you some mental blocking techniques but it won't do much if he tries to pry. I'd take out the telepath first but only if it can be done discretely, remember that you're going to be in a room full of some pretty bad guys, be careful not to put them on high alert cause you do not want to try fighting your way out. [u][b]Team B[/b][/u] is to disable the security on the outside- This calls for the athletic of you to attempt to take out the gunman along the rooftops along with the other mounted weapons. The base is secured with anti air missiles and other such ballistic tech, ground troops won't be able to get near it when it's armed to the gills so you'll have to place a series of EMPs in eight different locations and activate them at the same time. This facility is guarded by armed mercenaries, not much for those trained in advanced combat but be on your toes. Both the gunman on the roof and the mercenaries on the ground have communications with each other, you can't let them alert the others if you’re caught or the mission is a no go. [u][b]Team C[/b][/u] is to retrieve the flash drive from Ebersol's lab- Ground troops are going to be raiding that facility the moment we have clearance and the last thing we want is for anything to get lost in the skirmish. What absolutely must be secured is a single flash drive containing not only Hydra secrets but some S.H.I.E.L.D secrets as well and we cannot allow them into anyone else’s hands. This group needs to be comprised of competent thieves because you’ll need to get in and out without making a sound. We’re hoping that the EMPs’ detonation will disable the underground security but if not you’ll have to make it through a laser grid to get to the computer. There will be a few guards outside the lab doors but they most likely won’t be a problem, our intel says we’re dealing with low level enemies.[/Hider] Also, Holden is ISTJ