[center][h3][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h3][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/a87c9a401b089301785068161cbf586a/tumblr_inline_mx7ch7iqPq1rpeqts.gif[/img] [@Gilgex] [/center][hr][hr] Eddie sighed a bit. It looked like Warlord would be the only one volunteering for the job. For a moment, she considered just sleeping in the park, until one of them would recover enough to be able to carry the other to her house. It was an easier one, a method she was guaranteed to enjoy better. [color=99ccff]"You know what? Parks are nice, they're cool,"[/color] Eddie said. However, she glanced at Mercury on the ground. Knowing him, the moment he woke up, he'd probably go and devour some kid that stole another kid's toy. She wasn't really certain as to how exactly he defined guilt. Sighing a bit, Eddie grabbed the mask, her hands still trembling, and put it on. She was far too tired to get nauseous or queasy. Putting her headphones on her ears, she cranked up her loudest song to the loudest volume, hoping that it'd allow her to tune out Warlord. [color=99ccff]"If you eat me, I'll blast sunshine up your ass,"[/color] Eddie scowled. [color=99ccff]"Or the mask equivalent of an ass..."[/color] With renewed energy, she picked up Mercury and lofted him over her shoulder, and began the walk home. It was a relatively short one, a fact that disturbed her slightly. She'd never shown Mercury her home address. Arriving at her house in just ten minutes, Eddie climbed up the tree on the front lawn, and opened up the window to her room. She pushed Mercury in through the window first, and then climbed in herself. [color=99ccff]"Moooooooom! I'm home!"[/color] Eddie called out, figuring her parents would be asleep. They were. [i]Good,[/i] she thought to herself. She put Mercury on the bed, and started to pull at the mask, trying her hardest to get it off. She really hated these masks. Especially Warlord. She really hated Warlord.