[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLjA4ODM5MS5UV1Z5WTNWeWVTQkJZbWwwWVd3Zy4wAAAA/sweetcorrection-roth.regular.png[/img] [img]GIF or image, whatever[/img] [@Morose] [/center][hr] Of course Mercury didn't know where Eddie lived. Was merely coincidence that they were so close to her house. Warlord wasn’t saying a word, but he really hated Eddie’s shitty taste in music. God couldn’t she have chosen anything good? Like [url=https://youtu.be/SJkj3DgW8Y0]Wolf In Sheep's Clothing[/url] god he’d give anything to listen to that. Mercury never listened to music that wasn’t live, and he only ever went to cafe’s where the music was free. God that sucked so hard. When they got to Eddie’s house he was more than glad to let go of her face. Mercury gave her simple rules to follow don’t smash, and return them. He glowed at Eddie there was a feeling of gratitude for her taking care of Mercury. So long as Eddie took good care of Mercury Warlord would behave himself. Mercury slowly started to rouse awake, and looked around fast scared. The last thing he remembered was being struck over, and over again. [color=0099AF][b]”Where are we? What happened?“[/b][/color] He was reaching for a weapon that wasn't there anymore. He then pulled into himself his head pounding.