[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/iO6hxie.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/fm2YgtP.gif[/img] [b]Location;[/b] Dorm Room 4F [b]Interacting With;[/b] [color=palegreen]Tess Galloway[/color][sub]([@smarty0014])[/sub] [/center][hr][hr] [color=mediumpurple][i]Oh right her.[/i][/color] Abe had run into this Tess Galloway a few times over the years. Good girl, she was easy on the eyes, too. Abe had nothing against her in all honesty. A decent head of red hair on her shoulders that appealed to some. Abe didn’t mind the redness nor did he mind the fact that she was a few years younger than him. There wasn’t much that Abe knew about this one, but he was looking forward to getting to know her. At the very least, her being here meant that he didn’t have Skye as a roommate, so that was a definite plus. Abe approached Tess by stepping forward. A wide, Abe-like smile on his face, he tried to greet her with as much friendliness as she had with him. “[color=mediumpurple]You must have gotten here early, huh? I would have been here first if not for [i]certain[/i] distractions.[/color]” Abe’s face went to a slight grit, notably from his teeth showing from his previous smile. “[color=mediumpurple]But never mind that.[/color]” Abe shoved that aside for now. “[color=mediumpurple]Tell me, how good are you at organizing? I am absolutely dreadful with it. Ask my sister, she’ll tell you that it’s not my strong suit. Besides, the touch of a woman always seems to be better when organizing, wouldn’t you say so?[/color]” he said. Abe causally spotted her a wink. He didn't even hear Dustyn come in. [center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/auMKsms.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ng8c2ur.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Trek from the Night → The Dawn of Day → Blissful Dorm [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No one in particular; possibly roommate [sub]([@lovely complex])[/sub] [url=http://content.asos-media.com/~/media/310316110311en-GB/Images/uk/Men/2016/03/31-thurs/asos-mw-dd-article-ootd-paul-wesley.jpg?mw=398]outfit[/url][/center][hr][hr] In the long trek that originated in the middle of the night before with the Utah sky lit up by the bright twinkling stars, there roamed a lone wolf sorts. With no car to call his own and none that were driving in sight, he had to walk thirty miles from a distant relative of his mother’s, his uncle he believed, in the middle of the night. It was not because he was told to leave the house or anything, but he didn’t want to be a burden to the man that had put a roof over his head for the summer. A ride in the morning was offered as this uncle knew exactly who this twenty-one-year old was, but he did not judge him for it. Everyone had their stories and their demons. It was apart of finding out who you were when you really ended up deciding if those monsters and demons win or if you push them back. Sadly, for Dante Belmont, those monsters proved to be too great to allow him to spend one more night with someone that could possibly be put in harm's way much like his mother and those eight children were. Since all those years ago, every night when he would go to bed, Dante would relive that night over and over again in his dreams. Their screams torturing him, never allowing him sound, peaceful sleep for more than an hour at a time. There were moments when it was too much, and Dante woke up with such a terrifying scream that, when he was staying at that Psychiatric Facility, he had to be sedated multiple times. There were points where even his medicine didn’t quell the visions of his dead mother and closest friends. Nothing like that ever would go away. But ‘tis the life that Dante has to live. At least he got to walk the night with the stars and moon shining. As melancholy his life might be, Dante Belmont quite enjoyed that. The night was always fair to him. Be full of terrors as it may be, the Son of Hades felt most at home when the sun was down, and the moon wasn’t. Blame it on his Godly Parentage or just how he often viewed the world, but Dante would be the first one to tell you - well, after he got to know you first - that the best time for him to gather his thoughts was when the crickets were chirping, and the moon was out. Truly, if anyone was a night owl, Dante Aides Belmont was. And the one thing he hated above all was the sun, so it should be assumed that he was especially gloomy when he waltzed on the campus a bit earlier than he thought he would. Holding [url=http://rlv.zcache.com/clockwork_raven_iphone_se_5_5s_case-r4e7aff2f05734f29a136096b1d3cbcff_80cs8_8byvr_324.jpg]his phone[/url] in his hand, he was going to swipe his screensaver of his [url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnksshqpTj1qf2lq4o1_500.gif]mother[/url], he stopped for a moment. He stared at her face. He smiled bitterly, drops of water starting to fall. To somehow gain control of his emotions, he swiped it away quickly, and noticed the clock was just five minutes until when the “move in-time” was specified, which meant he had gotten earlier than expected. Dante would waste no time. His feet took to a brisk, fast walk, and he would make sure that, while he was holding three bags of dark red shade. One of them was over one shoulder, another over the opposite shoulder, and the last was one of those kind of bags that got dragged by an extended handles and had wheels attached to the bottom of them. When Dante got to the apartment building, he stopped to check the email blast that ha dwent out not too long ago. He wanted to check it to make sure he got the right room and floor. As he scrolled through his messages, he saw that he was put on the fourth floor and was in room J. After a confirming nod, he pocketed his phone, and made his way to that floor so he could go to his room. He went to the elevator, and would proceed push the button to summon it. It took a while, but eventually he came after a few minutes. Just as he was going to enter, more people were coming his way. Dante hated crowds, but he didn’t want to wait for them to push him out, so he made sure to get a nice, cozy spot in the corner. He waited for everyone to get in, confirm what floor they were going to, and let the boaster speak as he would speak. Almost everyone in the elevator was going to the fourth floor, which made Dante anxious. Mainly, he was worried everyone would notice him. That’s the last thing he wanted to happen, but it was the first thing that went to his mind. It terrified him, so he found comfort in the fact that everyone was leaving when they had arrived at the floor. Dante was the last one to exit, he made sure of that. When he did, he got his bags and proceeded to his room. It wasn’t a far walk, but the floor was surprisingly spacious. It amazed him how Olympus Academy was so spacious and every living accommodations seemed to be very reminiscent of a luxurious hotel. Dante didn’t dwell on that thought any longer. He got to his room. He wasn’t sure if his roommate was in or not, but he saw no bags to suggest otherwise. He liked the look of it. Spacious enough for two people to live peacefully(or so he liked to assume). After the long walk and anxious elevator ride, Dante set his bags to the side for the moment, and parked it gently on the couch to his left. His legs had been aching for five minutes, and he just wanted to rest for a few. As he let out a long sigh, Dante heard...something. His head propped up suddenly. He looked around briefly, but nothing came. He shrugged it off, and let the soft, leather cushion take away any ailments he had running through his body at the moment.