[center][h1][color=red]RED HOOD PIRATES[/color][/h1][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lislJP5.jpg?1[/img] [b]Bogard D. Sunny x Drum Island [/b] [@BCTheEntity] [@RyoRyoRyoken] [@LokiLeo789][/center] [indent] [color=red][b] “Those flames aren't going to put themselves out. Let's hop to it crew,”[/b][/color] requested Bogard with a sense of urgency in his tone. Like the others, he started forward to help but mid-stride Dirk tapped his shoulder. [color=red][b] “What's up?”[/b][/color] Dirk explained in his usual “straight-to-the-point” way. Red Hood stepped through the snow, feeling his boots plunge with every crunching step. The cold had not bothered his prosthetic as much as the cold had his flesh. The ice stabbed through his trousers and to his skin; he ignored it and pushed on. The languid snowfall was torn apart by a boom and flash of electric-lined flames, Red Hood was behind his tall crew mate, hidden by the dull yet mysterious lad. When the man landed and his uncultivated, unrefined voice finally came to life; Bogard felt the shiver of Terry’s hand on the entire incident. It made him feel uneasy. He pulled his hood over his head and stepped off to the side, revealing himself. Gold eyes looked up at the man's own. The stranger was wearing a black suit, they were fresh with scorch marks and soothe. He was a dark contrast to the vast white surrounding them. Bogard spared a glance at Dirk and thought the opposite, he looked like he belonged amongst the falling shards. He thought to let Dirk handle this newcomer. He was speaking to him after all. Besides, his gut had pushed his bad-news meter to overdrive after finally taking notice of the other individual. Something intense was about to go down. The company of three that was in front of him was strained and ready to burst, he however stood there somewhat oblivious to the practical and obvious animosity between the two newcomers. [color=red][b] "Actually, I could care less about what happens to this guy,"[/b][/color] He pointed a lazy finger towards the prisoner. [color=red][b] "I'm here on some personal business. Did you know that that village nearby was burning down?"[/b][/color] asked Bogard to the government official. [/indent][hr]