[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ashley%20Cunningham&name=Claudette%20aime%20le%20Chocolat.ttf&size=50&style_color=DC143C[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzk7mwzrEx1qgzxcao1_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office[/center][hr] Unsure how to take Marc's silence, Ash gripped the back of the chair that she was sitting on, her arm resting over the back as she watched him gathering some form of courage to just speak to her. She was used to him keeping his mouth shut about his feelings but this silence was different. When the single word rolled out of his mouth, Ash turned away from Marc and willed herself not to get upset. She knew that she and Marc weren't exclusive when they were broken up in high school, but for some reason Ashley never once imagined that Marc was seeing anyone else. She knew she was being hypocritical, especially considering he saw her dating Atlas when they weren't together but she couldn't help how she felt. As he opened up to her, Ashley could barely bring herself to look at him. Her chest was tight, constricting each breath that she tried to take. Her mouth dried out as if cotton balls had been shoved inside. Her hands shook and felt numb while her head was swimming with emotion and strain at everything he opened up to her with. Ten years... it had taken him ten years to actually open up to her and she didn't know exactly how she felt about what he was telling her. She was already in a poor mental state and she had opened up this can of worms with her questions. She had brought this on herself. She didn't know what to say, what to think, what to do... so she just sat there. Her eyes glanced in his direction every so often but she couldn't maintain eye contact with him for more than a second. When Marc made his way over to her, handing her a piece of paper, a note that Simone had left for Marc. She eyed the words, recognised the handwriting due to the amount of bad girls' room graffiti that Simone had written about Ashley and others throughout high school. Ashley didn't know why Simone wanted Marc to open up to her. She and Marc had been in puppy love not [i]true[/i] love, they weren't like Kai and Ada. Those two were soulmates, sweethearts, a true pair that were so in love that every other relationship paled in comparison to them. When Marc was finished and looked to her, smiling as if he hadn't just turned her world upside down, she didn't know what to do. Ash still couldn't speak, she looked over the note, waiting for Marc to tell her that it was all some stupid prank but it never came. She handed the note back to Marc with a shaky hand and pulled her hand back from him so quickly that it looked as though she thought he was going to bite her if she didn't move away quickly enough. She could feel the blood pounding in her ears as she tried to gather thoughts and words together. Slowly, very slowly, Ash began to breathe a little smoother but it still caught in her chest some as she did. She licked her dried out lips and looked down to her hands, not wanting to see Marc's face right now. Her voice was shaking and uneven as she practically whispered her words. [color=crimson]"What do you expect me to do now?"[/color] No sooner had she spoken than her cell began to ring again. It was Al, his face on her phone made her feel physically sick and she turned her phone over on the table, hiding his face on her screen as she let the call ring out.[hr]