[hider=Ezra Braken]Name:[hider=Ezra Braken "The Traveling Hedge"][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/a7b1/f/2011/290/3/7/mercenary_by_kamikazuh-d4d57di.jpg[/img][/hider] Race: Common Human Age: 23 Backstory: Born a bastard his father was a lower nobleman. That earned his way up through mercantile. Since he was born a bastard he would get none of his father's wealth when he passed or his father last name. Thus he took the bastard last name of Braken. Though his father did make sure he was raised properly and not left on the street to rot. His childhood was mostly normal. By the time he was old enough he had already figured out what he wanted to do with his life. He knew he wanted to be a knight. He knew it was unheard of that a bastard child be knighted. He tried to think of every possibility but could come up of none that didn't seem unlikely. One of his best friends asked him why doesn't he try becoming a hedge knight. Thinking it was a great idea he started looking for knights that didn't bear any colors. Eventually he found one willing to take him on as a apprentice. Thus began Ezra's journey through hedge knighthood. Personality: Ezra has learned in from being in the business for quite sometime to be quiet and listen more than speak. He tends to help people out the smallfolk when he can. When speaking to him you can tell he is a kind person. He prefers not to get into the drama of politics but is able to if need be. He is a very honest person. Among the other hedge knights he's known to be trustworthy, unwavering and stoic. Weapons: Carries a two swords. One a long sword that was given to him by the hedge knight he trained under. The other sword being a [url=http://img.antiquesreporter.com.au/090926DASY/523.jpg]estoc[/url] that he got as a reward for a job he did. If all else fails he carries a stiletto. Armor: His [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/ae/87/99ae87f515accc642765d8a51f785510.jpg]armor[/url] comes from the easternmost forges. Specially designed by Ezra to strike fear in his enemies and offer protection as well as mobil[/hider]