I'm gonna try to and see if I can get in [hider=Enric Yulf]Name:Enric Yulf Race: Human Age: 24 Appearance: [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/a7b1/f/2011/290/3/7/mercenary_by_kamikazuh-d4d57di.jpg] "I'm a handsome devil. I know."[/url] Reason for joining the Outcasts: "Well you see I've never been a part of a tribe or village. I've always been a wanderer of sorts. Used to travel with a small group. We were known as the devil's miscreants. We were young and didn't have much to live for so we became raiders. Though I see it as more of us taken from the rich and giving to us the poor. We had a good thing going for about six months I'd say. Eventually though the people we were raiding got smart and managed to kill a good portion of us. Me and one of my buddies managed to escape. He died a few days later. He pulled a knife on me trying to get my portion of the water. So I killed him and took whatever belongings he had that I could use. A few days later I managed to make my way to this village of outcasts. I thank the old gods that we never hit them in a raid. And well now I'm here Inventory: Carries two swords. One of the swords being modeled after the sword that [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/thehungergamesrp/images/a/ad/294-small-arming-sword.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141228130632]knights[/url] used. The other sword being used as a [url=http://img.antiquesreporter.com.au/090926DASY/523.jpg] piercing [/url] weapon. If all else fails he carries a simple dagger. He has a suit of [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/99/ae/87/99ae87f515accc642765d8a51f785510.jpg]armor[/url] that he crafted during his time as a raider. The armor was designed to strike fear into his enemies as well as offer protection while keeping mobility. Skills: [b]Expert Swordsman[/b] during his time as a raider and before Enric has worked on being one of the best swordsman in the land. His style is a mix of using either using one sword or dual wielding. He has become very proficient. [b]Tracking/Survivalism[/b] when he was a wanderer he became very good at tracking. Learning where the small animals lived and what was safe to eat/drink and what wasn't. [b]Scavenging[/b] he's learned where to look and what items are valuable and what aren't. [b]Charismatic[/b] being a raider you gotta to be a bit charismatic. Makes raiding easier. Cause sometimes you can just talk you way out and not have to kill anyone. [b]Metalsmith[/b] you learn some tricks when you're a wanderer one of such was how to make armor and various weapons out of whatever metal you come across. Makes it easier to keep your weapons and armor in good condition. Motto/Catchphrase: [i]We're just taking from the rich and giving to the poor. And the poor being us.[/i][/hider]