[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=9e0039]Jacob Blackwell[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/bUV8eYbhmLXzi/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] High School Gym [/center][hr] Despite Jacob not wanting to come as such, it seemed that Tim had taken his tone the wrong away. Tim pretty much went into 'i am the law' mode and started acting high and mighty, swinging his authority around almost like a bat. And while Jacob usually wouldn't let that slide, on this one occasion he did. Mainly because of the beginning of Tim's statement. Three Murders? The very thought if having been near or suspected of another murder caused a dry lump to form in his throat. This really was a nightmare. It had to be. Cynthia and Riley, being questioned for murder again... Was someone playing a trick on him? Was someone going to come out from nowhere and point out a hidden camera? This had to be set up. It had to be. So why didn't the fear or the strange pain he was feeling go away? It seemed that he couldn't really do much at this point. Jacob tried to speak, raising his finer up as if to make a point, but nothing came out of his mouth, opening it revealed nothing but slight groans and the escaping air of his lungs. Eventually a few more seconds later, Jacob was able to start forming some words. [color=9e0039]"Murders... Three? Now?... Oh god... This is like Simone all over again. Well... I... i wasn't here. I have only just arrived in town.. I was on the plane to LA from Tokyo from 4pm yesterday. Haven't stopped travelling since...[/color] There, he covered his back. Gave his statement. It was the truth, so no more suspicion could come upon him. But he couldn't help but ask. Curiosity had now started gnawing at him and he had to satisfy it before it consumed him. Even if part of him didn't want to know the answer. [color=9e0039]"Who... who has been killed?"[/color]